Table of Contents | ||||
Read Warehouse
Read/Update SKUs
Read Items
Read Transfer Orders
Read Tracking Line
Read Whse Receipt Line
CRUD on Whse Receipts
Allow to create Whse Receipts on Transfer Orders and post WRs and create putaway
CRUD on Whse Activities
Allow creating Whse Activities from WRs
Read Bin Content
Read Bins
CRUD on Item Journals
CRUD Item Journal Lines
Allow creating Item Journals
CRUD Transfer Orders
CRUD Whse Shipments
How to prevent Warehouse Staff from changing accounts??? They should have access to all Pantry accounts and Vendor accounts
Do we allow them to update contacts???
Sharing Rules for Pantry Managers
Change the Sharing Settings for the above objects to Private
When Write after insert/update on trigger code to these objects, 7 objects to change the owner to
B2B Owner
Then share the records with Pantry Managers
B2B_PantryAssociation table
How do you find Pantry Manager user:
Each of the records has a Warehouse field. (use Transfer-to Warehouse for Transfer Orders)
Warehouse has Transfer-to Account
Then use Transfer-to Account to filter the B2B_PantryAssocation table.
You will find one or more Pantry Managers
Share the record with all of them.
Sample code:B2B_DelegatedAccountTrigger
Do not update R1 code, which start with B2B_
Do not call R1 code, which start with B2B_
Create our own code, start with GF_
Visualforce Pages/Classes/Reports (done except the red ones)