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To enter agency Transfer Orders, you can:
On the left side of the pagegrid, you will see all Warehouses (except Main and In-Transit) with and the Shipment Dates that are for Transfer Orders currently in Transfer Orders the system with the Document Status = Open, Shipment Created, and or Back Order.
You can only have one Transfer Order per Warehouse, per Shipment Date with Document Status = Open, Shipment Created, and or Back Order
On the right side top of the pagegrid, you will see items and UOMs that have Net Available (On Hand + On PO = Total Available).
Available = Total Available - Qty. on Transfer Orders
Only Items with Available > 0 will display.
You can search filter by Item No, Item Description, Warehouse Name, or Shipment Date.
Save Changes: Save to the Agency Order Changes table.
Net Available cannot negative
Update Transfer Orders: Update changes to Transfer Orders.
Available cannot negative
Transfer Orders must have Document Status = Open
The new quantity cannot be less than the quantity that is picked
Add New Shipment: Add a new shipment date for a Warehouse.