Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Use the GoldFinch commission module as the starting point. Customize as needed.



AdMagic uses the Royalty module to calculate the royalty payable to designers. The royalty is calculated for every designer base on the channel of their item being sold.


  • Set up Designers as Sales RepsSalesforce Accounts

  • Set up Royalty % Rate by Item, Sales Rep, and Channel Type.

Channel Type

In Total Sales:

  • Default Channel Type to Retail when sales orders are from Shopify????

    • Amazon????

  • Default Channel Type to Wholesale when sales orders are not from Shopify


  • Designer/Vendor and Channel Type

  • Royalty Rate Setup

    • Game - Designer’s game (Item)

    • Designer/Account/Vendor - Designer/Vendor account

    • Sales Channel - Pickst list with values “Retail” and “Wholesale”

    • Rate - Nummeric field represent % if Rate Type is ‘Percentage’, $ Amount if Rate Type is ‘Fix Amount per Unit’

    • Rate Type - Pick List with values: “Percentage” and ”Fix Amount per Unit”

    • COG - Cost of good sold per unit.

    • Deduct COG - If Checked, system will deduct the total of cost of good sold (COG * Invoiced Qty) from rotyalty amount.

      Image Added

Royalty Calculations

  1. Navigate to Royalty Calcualtion

  2. Click “Calcualte Royalty” button

  3. Moth End defaults to the preious month’s last date.

  4. System will

    1. Gather all games(items) with a royalty rate setup

    2. Retrieve all Sales Invoice Lines with the following criteria

      1. Sales Invoices' Document Status = Posted

      2. Item gathered in setup a

      3. Does not have a Royalty Calculation Line linked

      4. Posting Date <= the Month End date

  • Each unique combination of Year/Month and Designer account will have a Royalty Calcualtion header.

  • Royalty Amount calculation logic

    • If Royalty Rate’s Rate Type setup is “Percentage”

      • Then Royalty Amount = Sales Amount * Rate / 100

    • If Royalty Rate’s Rate Type setup is “Fix Amount per Unit”

      • Then Royalty Amount = Invoice Qty. * Rate

    • If Deduct COG is checked and COG field is not blank in Royalty Rate setup

      • Then Royalty Amount = Royalty Amount - COG

        • COG field in Royalty Calcualtion Line object is calcualted using COG in the Royalty Rate * Invoice Qty.

Royalty Calcuation

Field Name

Field Help


Lookup to Salesforce Designer or Vendor Account

Royalty Amount

Roll-up summary of Royalty Amount from from Royalty Calculation Lines.

End of Month

Last date of the month.


TEXT(MONTH( End_of_Month__c)) + '/' + TEXT(Year( End_of_Month__c))

Royalty Calculation Line

Field Name

Field Help

Royalty Calculation

Master-Detail(Royalty Calculation)

Sales Amount

Sales Invoice Line’s Line Amount

Invoiced Qty.

Invoice Line Quantity

Rate Type

Picklist with values “Percentage” and “Fix Amount per Unit” that determine type of rate in the Rate field


Nummeric field represent % if Rate Type is ‘Percentage’, $ Amount if Rate Type is ‘Fix Amount per Unit’


Cost of Good sold, 0 if “Deduct COG” is not checked for the matched Royalty Rate setup, otherwise COG = Invoice Qty. * COG in Royalty Rate setup.

Royalty Amount

IF ( Not_Qualified__c != true,
IF(TEXT(Rate_Type__c) = 'By Percentage',Sales_Amount__c * Rate__c / 100 - COG__c, Invoiced_Qty__c * Rate__c - COG__c),


Royalty Calculations

  • Use Commission Journal with header and lines.

  • Monthly routine to calculate Royalty based on Royalty Setups and Posted Sales transactions.

  • Review, then finalize the month.

Channel Type

In Total Sales:

  • Default Channel Type to Retail when sales orders are from Shopify????

    • Amazon????

  • Default Channel Type to Wholesale when sales orders are not from Shopify

Next Steps:

  • Copy GoldFinch commission module to Ad Magic UAT.

  • Adjust the code based on recent discussions.

  • Ad Magic to populate Commission Setups, then test the program.
