Table of Contents | ||||||||||
Set up Designers as Salesforce Accounts
Set up Royalty Rate by Item, Designer/Vendor, and Channel Type
Royalty Rate Setup
Game - Designer’s game (Item)
Designer/Account/Vendor - Designer/Vendor account
Sales Channel - Pickst list with values “Retail” and “Wholesale”
Total Sales defaults Channel Type to Retail when sales orders are from Shopify
If not from Shopify, Wholesale
Ad Magic has a routine to create GF Sales Orders from Total Sales. The routine also populates the Sales Channel.
If a Sales Order is created manually, the Channel Type defaults to wholesale but can be changed.
Rate - Numeric field represent represents % if Rate Type is ‘Percentage’, $ Amount if Rate Type is ‘Fix Amount per Unit.
Rate Type - Picklist with values: “Percentage” and ”Fix Amount per Unit”
Unit COG COGS - Cost of goods sold per unit.
Deduct COG COGS - If Checked, the system will deduct the total cost of goods sold (COG COGS * Invoiced Qty) from the royalty amount.
Navigate to Royalty Calculation
Click the “Calculate Royalty” button
Month End defaults to the previous month’s last date.
System will
Gather all games(items) with a royalty rate setup
Retrieve all Sales Invoice Lines with the following criteria
Sales Invoices' Document Status = Posted
Item gathered in step a
It does not have a Royalty Calculation Line linked
Posting Date <= the Month End date
Each unique combination of Year/Month and Designer account will have a Royalty Calculation header????
Royalty Amount calculation logic
If Royalty Rate’s Rate Type setup is “Percentage”
Then Royalty Amount = Sales Amount * Rate / 100
If Royalty Rate’s Rate Type setup is “Fix Amount per Unit”
Then Royalty Amount = Invoice Qty. * Rate
If Deduct COG COGS is checked and the Unit COG COGS field is not blank in the Royalty Rate setup
Then Royalty Amount = Royalty Amount - Line COGCOGS
Line COG COGS field in the Royalty Calculation Line object is calculated using COG COGS in the Royalty Rate * Invoice Qty.
Multiple Royalty Calculation Lines will be created if more than one designer/vendor is set up to receive a royalty in the Royalty Rate table.
Users need to review and pay.
Fields List - Royalty
Field Name | Field Help |
Designer/Account/Vendor | Lookup to Salesforce Designer or Vendor Account |
Royalty Amount | Roll-up summary of Royalty Amount from Royalty Calculation Lines. |
End of Month | Last date of the month. |
Month/Year | TEXT(MONTH( End_of_Month__c)) + '/' + TEXT(Year( End_of_Month__c)) |
Fields List - Royalty Calculations line
Field Name | Field Help |
Royalty Calculation | Master-Detail(Royalty Calculation) |
Sales Amount | Sales Invoice Line’s Line Amount |
Invoiced Qty. | Invoice Line Quantity |
Rate Type | Picklist with values “Percentage” and “Fix Amount per Unit” that determine type of rate in the Rate field |
Rate | Numeric field represent % if Rate Type is ‘Percentage’, $ Amount if Rate Type is ‘Fix Amount per Unit’ |
Line COGCOGS | Line total cost of good sold, 0 if “Deduct COG” COGS” is not checked for the matched Royalty Rate setup, otherwise COG COGS = Invoice Qty. *Unit COG COGS in Royalty Rate setup. |
Royalty Amount | IF(TEXT(Rate_Type__c) = 'By Percentage',Sales_Amount__c * Rate__c / 100 - Line COGCOGS__c, Invoiced_Qty__c * Rate__c - Line_COGCOGS__c) |