Ad Magic oversees inventory management on behalf of their clients, facilitating order fulfillment while charging a fee for their services. Presently, they determine these fees by gathering order data from orders and warehouse-receiving data processes from various sources, a process that . This method is both time-consuming and susceptible to errors. Their goal is to streamline this process and enhance its overall reliability.
Field Name | Field Help |
Number of Pallets | Use to calculate total charge for signle SKU pallets received. |
Number of Cartons | Use to calculate total charge for signle SKU cartons received. |
Total Mixed Pallet | Use to calculate total charge for mixed SKU pallets received. |
Total SKUs in Mixed Pallet | Use to calculate total charge for mixed SKU pallets received. |
Total Mixed Carton | Use to calculate total charge for mixed SKU cartons received. |
Total SKUs in Mixed Carton | Use to calculate total charge for mixed SKU cartons received. |
Floor Loaded Container | If checked, Additional Floor Load Container Received service charge will appliedapply. |
Add New Fields to Whse Shipment
Warehouse Receipt
Fields will be available for users to capture pallets, cartons, and SKU information in the Warehouse Receipt header.
Warehouse Shipment
Fields will be available for users to capture hours spent on fulfilling the Transfers, Tradeshows, and Removal orders in the Warehouse Shipment header.
Service Charge Calculation
Field Name | Field Help |
Customer | Lookup to the Account table |
End of Month | Last date of the month |
Year/Month | For example, 2023/08 |
Total Billable Service Charge Amount | Roll-up summary of Amount from Service Charge Calculation Line |
No. of Lines | Number of Service Charge Calculation Lines created |
Service Charge Calculation Line
Field Name | Type |
Service Charge Calculation | Master-Detail (Service Charge Calculation) |
Line No. | |
Service Group | Receiving, Fulfillment |
Description | Service Description |
Quantity | |
Unit Rate | |
Amount | |
Document Posting Date | Posting of the Warehouse Shipment or Warehouse Receipt |
Warehouse Shipment | |
Warehouse Receipt |
Navigate to the Service Charge Calculation tab
Click the Calculate Service Charge button
Month End defaults to the previous month’s last date.
The system will process the below transactions in the month:
For each Whse. Receipts
Calculate per pallet charge
Calculate additional charge if pallets have more than 1 SKU
Calculate per carton charge
Calculate additional charge for cartons that have more than 1 SKU
Calculate additional Floor Loaded Container service charges if applicable.
For each Whse. Shipments
Determine whether the shipment is B2B or B2C based on the Sales Order Sales Type.
Determine whether an order was manually entered or imported by routines.
Calculate per order charge
Calculate the total line charge
For B2B, calculate per pallet charge if applicable
Calculate B2C crowdfunding additional charge if applicable
Calculate additional Transfer, Tradeshow, and Removal order fulfillment fees if applicable.
Users run reports and review data
Click the “ Create Sales Invoice”Invoice button to generate Sales Invoices