
Field Label

API Name

Field Level Help

From Warehouse

GFERP__Transfer_From_Warehouse__c , Lookup(Warehouse)

The Warehouse that the received Item is being transferred from. This need to entered manually

To Warehouse

GFERP__Transfer_From_Warehouse__c , Lookup(Warehouse)

The Warehouse that the received Item is being transferred to. This need to entered manually


MC_ID__c, Formula field pulling the MC ID from Account


MC ID appearing from Account. Appears automatically via formula on TO.

Shipment Date


The date the Shipment Date appears automatically on Transfer Order is shipped.

Expected Delivery Time Frame

Expected_Delivery_Time_Frame__c, Formula field transfer to account Delivery time FrameThe expected date of Delivery.


Date appears automatically from account

Shipping Agent

Lookup (Shipping Agent)

The name of the courier used for the shipment.This need to add manually on Transfer order

Shipping Contact

GFERP__Shipping_Contact__c, Lookup (Contact)

Default from Transfer-to Account’s Shipping Contact, or Alternate Shipping’s Shipping Contact.


MobilePhone, theTO.GFERP__Shipping_Contact__r.MobilePhone

Mobile no of the contactThis appears from shipping contact mobile field

Contact Phone

Phone, Pulling from contact object, formula field theTO.GFERP__Transfer_Shippingto_ContactWarehouse__r.NamePhone no of the contact.Contact_Phone__c

This appears from shipping contact phone field


Total_Pallet__c, Roll-Up Summary (SUM Transfer Line)

No of pallets in the Transfer Sum Transfer Line: Line Pallet

This will sum the no of pallet on transfer line and give a sum on transfer order


Occasion__c, Lookup (Occasion)Occasion

for which the Transfer order createdThis field will be added manually on transfer order

Pick Status

Pick_Status__c, Formula Field
Determing the status of the order
Pick status of the Transfer
if (GFERP__Order_Quantity__c - Picked_Qty__c > 0, 'Not Fully Picked',
if (GFERP__Order_Quantity__c = 0, 'None Picked',
if (Picked_Qty__c = 0, 'None Picked',
if (GFERP__Order_Quantity__c - Picked_Qty__c = 0, 'Fully Picked', ''))))

This will be automatically update as soon we allocate the inventory for the transfer order