Field Label | API Name | Field Level Help |
From Warehouse | GFERP__Transfer_From_Warehouse__c , Lookup(Warehouse) | The Warehouse that the received Item is being transferred from. This need to entered manually |
To Warehouse | GFERP__Transfer_From_Warehouse__c , Lookup(Warehouse) | The Warehouse that the received Item is being transferred to. This need to entered manually |
MC ID | MC_ID__c, Formula field pulling the MC ID from Account GFERP__In_Transit_Warehouse__r.GFERP__Account__r.MC_ID__c | MC ID appearing from Account. Appears automatically via formula on TO. |
Shipment Date | GFERP__Shipment_Date__c, | The date the Shipment Date appears automatically on Transfer Order is shipped. |
Expected Delivery Time Frame | Expected_Delivery_Time_Frame__c, Formula field transfer to account Delivery time FrameThe expected date of Delivery. TEXT(GFERP__Transfer_to_Account__r.Expected_Delivery_Time_Frame__c) | Date appears automatically from account |
Shipping Agent | GFERP__Shipping_Agent__c, | The name of the courier used for the shipment.This need to add manually on Transfer order |
Shipping Contact | GFERP__Shipping_Contact__c, Lookup (Contact) | Default from Transfer-to Account’s Shipping Contact, or Alternate Shipping’s Shipping Contact. |
Mobile | MobilePhone, theTO.GFERP__Shipping_Contact__r.MobilePhone | Mobile no of the contactThis appears from shipping contact mobile field |
Contact Phone | Phone, Pulling from contact object, formula field theTO.GFERP__Transfer_Shippingto_ContactWarehouse__r.NamePhone no of the contact.Contact_Phone__c | This appears from shipping contact phone field |
Pallets | Total_Pallet__c, Roll-Up Summary (SUM Transfer Line) No of pallets in the Transfer Sum Transfer Line: Line Pallet | This will sum the no of pallet on transfer line and give a sum on transfer order |
Occasion | Occasion__c, Lookup (Occasion)Occasion | for which the Transfer order createdThis field will be added manually on transfer order |
Pick Status | Pick_Status__c, Formula Field | This will be automatically update as soon we allocate the inventory for the transfer order |