Table of Contents | ||
Purchase Order
Use "Yongle Owned" Warehouse
Create a Prepayment Invoice
Pay the Vendor.
Debit Inventory for "Yongle Owned", $3
Credit AP, $3
Use Sales Order to transfer ownership to Clients.
Use "Yongle Owned" Warehouse
Create a Prepayment Invoice
Get paid.
Then Allocate and Ship
CR Revenue (4190-BG Merchandise Sales), $10
DR COGS (5280-Cost of Goods Sold - Misc), $3
CR Inventory for "Yongle Owned"
To add inventory to "Yongle Consignment"
On the Sales Order, specify final Consignment Warehoues and Quantities
Yongle Consignment
Auto create an Item Journal to add total shipped quantities to Yongle Consignment at 0 cost.
Breaking Games Consignment
Auto create a Transfer Order to transfer inventory from Yongle Consignment to BG Consignment
Post the Whse Shipment
When the goods arrive at BG Consignment, create Whse Receipt.
Receive EDI Orders from Walmart and Target with consignment Warehouse.
Allocate and ship
DR B/S Contra Consignment Inventory (Account COGS) $0
with 0 inventory value
CR Inventory (Consignment Warehouses) $0
DR AR $20
CR Client Fund Payable (Account Sales) $19$20
CR Service Revenue $1
Programming Note:
Added Account Posting Group to Warehouse and assign
Added Sales Invoice Line trigger to look for the correct APS to use based on the Accounting Posting Group defined on Warehouse - done
When AR is received from the client's customers, then pay the client.
Create a Payable
DR Client Fund Payable
CR AP (to your client)
DR Service Fees and Expenses
Need more discussions on logic
Fixed amount
% of sales amount
Receiving, Storage,
Create Cash Disbursement
CR Bank Account