Trade in with Used Intake Form
Should add trade-in items to the inventory.
Should reduce the AR.
Trade in does reduce taxes.
10 trades a month.
Create AP if the amount if negative.
Allocate Inventory on the Quoting stageCustomer need financing.
Create Sales Order
Then allocate inventory for the order.
Customer will get finance approval & customer accepted it.
But if they don’t get financing, then order is cancelled and inventory is available again.
“Parts” Sales Quote Record Type (Possible requirement)
Add a Finished Good Item see https://mdnusa.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AAT/pages/3087728641/GoldFinch+Setup#Item-Formulas
Explode BOM so the Details of the Formula is displayed
Select “Service Needed”
Shipment & Delivery
Process TBDA case will be created so it’s tied to the order.
No longer use Tag & Title Salesforce Cases for Serialized Items