Ending Date should be far in the future.
Price Type = All Account
Minimum Quantity = 1
Error Conditions
PartSmart User Name is not set up
Dealer Account is not set up
Item is not set up
Sales Prices are not set up
PartSmart post their picklists to GoldFinch a public URL.
A new Import Sales Order record will be created with these fields:
Populate GFCON__Order_Source__c with “PartSmart”
Picklist JSON file should go to PartSmart_Picklist_JSON__c
The Picklist JSON File should include these values:
PartSmart User Name / Dealer
Product Id
As soon as a new Import Sales Order is created with PartSmart_Picklist_JSON__c != null:
Use PartSmart User Name to look up Contact, to populate
Customer Name
Id Customer No.
Populate Customer PO No. with Picklist Id
Order Date = today’s date
Populate Import Sales Line
PartSmart Picklist Field | GoldFinch Field Name | Field Help |
Product Id | Item No. | |
Quantity | Quantity | |
Description | Description | |
Item Unit of Measure | Item__r.Base_Unit_of_Measure__r.Name | |
Unit Price | look up Sales Price table using Currency and Item. Currency is from Account. If blank, Company Setup. If blank, CAD |