There is a need to backflush inventory that wasn’t used for the work order, like packaging. Additionally, for inventory like ingredients, it should not be backflushed, but instead be marked as waste.
Finally, the waste should be calculated for the items that were not backflushed.
These values then would be used to populate the Yield Sheet PDF
See example values here:
Acceptance Criteria
Waste Object
Create new object with the following fields
Work Order
Item Journal Line
Base UOM
Waste Quantity
Percentage Waste
Waste Weight
Conversion = Waste Quantity to Base UOM.
Percentage Yield
Formula - Percentage
1 - Percentage Waste
Backflush Object (A better name may be “Backflush after Work Order”)
Create new object with the following fields
Work Order
Item Journal Line
Item UOM
Backflush Quantity
To Bin
If Picking Enabled for Work Orders:
Then Populate with the Pick-> Warehouse Activity Line for that item → From Bin
If Movement
Then populate with the Movement → Warehouse Activity Line for that item → From Bin
Backflushing Complete