Main - 2550 Delzato
Auto Putaway
Bypass Picking for Shipment?
Enable Pick on Work Order?
Overflow - 4140 Ramsayville
Main WH Bins
Setup these bins and do picks?
Receive Staging Area
Boxes and Cases for the Fitting Room are stored here.
Fitting Room Top Shelves
Fitting Room
Replenished from Mezzanine or Top Shelves in Fitting Room
Cutting Room
This will be configured as the Input and Output bins
Ship Staging Area
Goldfinch to Import Items
Item Name
Default Bin
Safety Stock
Replenishment Method
VendorsPurchasing Type
Inventory Items
Inventory Items Prices will be managed in GoldFinch
Will be Configured by GoldFinch.
Hide these sections:
Catch Weight
Purchase Prices
3rd Party Vendors for Labor