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Navigate to the Service Charge Calculation tab
Click the Calculate Service Charge button
Month End defaults to the previous month’s last date.
The system will process the below transactions in the month:
For each Whse. Receipts
Document Status = Posted, or Partially Invoiced, Fully Invoiced
Service Charge Calculation Line = null
Posting Date <= End of Month Date
Calculate per pallet charge
Calculate additional charge if pallets have more than 1 SKU
Single SKU Pallets
Service Charge = Single SKU Pallets * Single SKU Pallet Service Rate
Mixed SKU Pallets
Service Charge = Mixed Pallets * Single SKU Pallet Service Rate + ((SKUs in Mixed Pallets - 1) * Mixed Pallets * Multiple SKU Pallet Service Rate)
Calculate per carton charge
Calculate additional charge for cartons that have more than 1 SKU
Single SKU Cartons
Service Charge = Single SKU Cartons * Single SKU Carton Service Rate
Mixed SKU Cartons
Service Charge = Mixed Cartons * Single SKU Carton Service Rate + ((SKUs in Mixed Cartons - 1) * Mixed Cartons * Multiple SKU Carton Service Rate)
Calculate additional Floor Loaded Container service charges if applicable.
A flat Floor Loaded Container service charge will be applied.
If the container contains Mixed SKU Cartons, then
Floor Loaded Container Service Fee + Mixed SKU Cartons service fee
The system will create one Service Charge Calculation Line per Warehouse Receipt.
For each Whse. Shipments
Document Status = Posted, or Partially Invoiced, Fully Invoiced
Warehouse__r.Charge Warehouse Service Fee = true
Service Charge Calculation Line = null
Posting Date <= End of Month Date
Determine whether the shipment is B2B or B2C based on the Sales Order Sales Type.
A picklist field “Method” in the Sales Order indicates whether an order was manually entered or imported by routines.
Calculate per order charge
Calculate the total line charge
For B2B, calculate per pallet charge if applicable
Order Service Rate includes 1 unit line item.
Service Fee = Order Service Fee + ((Quantity - 1) * Line Item Service Fee)
Calculate B2C crowdfunding additional charge if applicable
The “Crowdfunding Additional Upload” checkbox on the Sales Order indicates whether an order is a crowdfunding additional upload or not.
Calculate additional Transfer, Tradeshow, and Removal order fulfillment fees if applicable.
The “Transfer/Tradeshow/Removal” checkbox on the Sales Order indicates whether the order is for transfer/tradeshow/removal or not.
The system will create one Service Charge Calculation record per vendor/designer per month.
If a shipment contains multiple items, and the items belong to a different vendor/designer, then multiple Service Charge Calculation records will be created.
The system will create one Service Charge Calculation Line per Warehouse Shipment, per vendor/designer.
Users run reports and review data
Click the Create Sales Invoice button to generate Sales Invoices
The system will create one invoice per vendor/designer per month.
There will be one invoice line per service group (Receiving/Fulfillment), and the invoice line item will default to the 'Service Charge Item' set up in the Company Setup.
Which Division to use in the invoice????