Business Need
Using GoldFinch’s standard process for Daily Production Backflushing is not ideal, because it back flushes everything that hasn’t been used.
These values then would be used to populate the Yield Sheet PDF
See example values here:
Scenario Examples
Item = Jar 16 Ounce Salsa
Mixed Salsa
Phantom BOM
Backflush after Work Order = FALSE
Mixed Salsa
Backflush after Work Order = TRUE
Scenario 1
Work Order for 10000 Jars of Salsa
Production Journal Output = 9995
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Acceptance Criteria
Waste Object
WHEN a production journal is posted:
For each Item Journal Line WHERE Item_Backflush after Work Order = FALSE AND Item Journal Line < Work Line_Expected Quantity
Populate the following in the Waste Object:
Work Order
Item Journal Line
Base UOM
Calculate the following for Waste_Waste Quantity
Work Line_Expected Quantity - Item Journal Line_Quantity
Calculate the following for Waste_Percentage Waste
- If
Waste_Waste Quantity / Work Line_Expected Quantity
For each Item Journal Line WHERE Item_Backflush after Work Order = FALSE AND Item Journal Line > Work Line_Expected Quantity
Populate the following in the Waste Object:
Work Order
Item Journal Line
Base UOM
Calculate the following for Waste_Waste Quantity
Item Journal Line - Work Line_Expected Quantity
If Calculate the following for Waste_Percentage Waste field
Waste_Waste Quantity / Work Line_Expected Quantity
For each Item Journal Line WHERE Item_Backflush after Work Order = TRUE AND Item Journal Line
<> Work Line_Expected Quantity
Populate the following in the Waste Object:
Work Order
Item Journal Line_Expected Quantity -
Base UOM
Calculate the following for Waste_Waste Quantity
Item Journal Line - Work Line_Expected Quantity
Calculate the following for Waste_Percentage Waste field
Waste_Waste Quantity / Work Line_Expected Quantity
Calculate Backflush Quantities