Quantity (not editable)
Finished Qty (not editable)
Remaining Qty. (not editable)
Actual Qty. (editable, default to Remaining Qty.)
Finished Date (editable, default to today’s date)
Keep Work Order Open (editable, default to “No”)
Operation No.
Visible only if Report Output by Routing is checked for the Output Item.
Editable, default to the first Routing Step that is not finished.
Users can scan Operation No. barcode to confirm
Error if Operation No. is not the first routing that is not finished.
Serial No.
Visible only if the Output Item is Serial Tracked and Actual Quantity = 1
Use Finished_Good_Serial_No__c on Work Order to default Serial No.
For Yakta, GoldFinch uses the next sequential serial number
For Arrowquip, users scan the serial number.
Display a list of all routing steps for the work order for visibility:
Work Center | Operation No. | Remaining Qty | UOM | Line Status | No. of Components |
Open, WIP, Finished | |||||