Versions Compared


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AATC manages the sale of “Floor Plan” items, where vendors are paid only when the units are sold. These items are serialized new items, primarily Trailers or Truck Beds. Key considerations include:

  • Some serialized new items are not classified as “Floor Plan.”

  • Used items are never “Floor Plan.”

  • The value of “Floor Plan” items must be recorded on the books.

Purchase Order

  1. Add a checkbox labeled “Floor PO” to the Purchase Order.

  2. Vendor Association:

    • Vendors are typically North Point or Wells Fargo.

    • If the warehouse is Trailer Nation, the vendor is usually Wells Fargo.

    • If the warehouse is not Trailer Nation, the vendor is usually North Point.

  3. Vendor Setup:

    • Define a Default Payable GL Account on the Vendor page, different from the Account AP specified in the Company Setup.

  4. PO Requirements:

    • For “Floor Plan” POs, create one Purchase Order (PO) per serial number.

  5. Creating WR:

    • If Floor PO is true,

      • Trigger an error if the PO contains more than one Purchase Line (PL) or if the PL Quantity is not equal to 1.

    • Receive items as usual.

  6. Purchase Invoice:

    • Add the following fields to the Purchase Invoice page:

      • Item No.: A lookup field

      • Serial No.: A text field.

      • Floor Plan Sales Invoice: A lookup field linking to the Sales Invoice.

      • Floor Plan SI Document Status: A formula field.

    • When creating Purchase Invoices, update the Item No. and Serial No. field if Purchase_Order__r.Floor Plan PO = true.

    • When posting the Purchase Invoice, AP will use the Default Payable GL Account defined on the Vendor page.

Sales Order

  1. Sales Order Setup:

    • Process SQ, SO, WS, and SI as usual.

    • Add a checkbox labeled “Floor Plan SO” to the Sales Order.

  2. Creating WS:

    • If Floor Plan SO = true, trigger an error if the SO contains more than one SL or if the SL Quantity is not equal to 1.

Posting Sales Invoices

  1. Sales Invoice Enhancements:

    • Add the following fields to the Sales Invoice page:

      • Floor Plan Purchase Invoice: A lookup field linking to the Purchase Invoice.

      • Floor Plan PI Document Status: A formula field.

  2. Invoice Updates:

    • When posting the Sales Invoice, if Sales_Order__r.Floor Plan SO = true

      • Match the corresponding Purchase Invoice using Item No. and Serial No.

      • Update the Floor Plan Sales Invoice field on the Purchase Invoice.

      • Update the Floor Plan Purchase Invoice field on the Sales Invoice.

Paying Floor Plan Vendors

Clone Ready to Create Vendor Payments view to Ready to Create Vendor Payments for Floor Plan

  • Document Status = Posted

  • Pending Vendor Payment = blank

  • Remaining Amount != 0

  • Purchase_Order__r.Floor Plan PO = true

  • Floor Plan Sales Invoice != blank

  • Floor Plan SI Document Status = Posted

Allocating Interest Expenses to Floor Plan Items

  1. Interest Expense Handling:

    • AATC incurs interest expenses while holding “Floor Plan” items.

    • Use the Landed Cost Management module to allocate interest expenses to the WR associated with “Floor Plan” items.

  2. Additional Requirements:

    • Consider adding fields such as “VIN” or “Serial No.” to the page used for selecting WRs.
