cKey Topics and Decisions (Sequential Order)
1. Warehouse and Bin Management
Record Types Added:
Parent Project: Replaces "Customer Group" for project accounts.
Retail Customer: Direct-to-consumer sales (e.g., DIY, online orders).
Retail Contractor: Contractors with tiered discounts (preferred, established, contractor).
Lawn/Snow Customer: Customers Replaces Person Account for snow removal and lawn maintenance Customers.
Supplier: Retained as the account record type for vendors; no renaming planned.
Customer Segmentation:
Retail customers will pay full price with no discounts.
Retail contractors will have three discount levels applied to standard prices.
Clean-Up and Validation:
Tania and Patrick will review records during the clean-up process to ensure accounts are correctly categorized.
Supplier records will be validated to ensure proper association with the Supplier record type.
Record types can be updated when a customer changes their relationship (e.g., switching from retail to contractor).
Parent and child record structures will continue for projects.
Future Adjustments:
The team will be shown how to create additional account record types if new needs arise.