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YAKTA used uses Salesforce Assets to track purchase Purchase date, Install Installation date, and Manufacture date for tracking of shipped/produced Assets.
Assets Generation process
When the Opportunity Stage is Closed Won, a Sales Order is created through the following process.
After the Sales Order is created and inventory is allocated (based on Inventory, Special Order, or Production Work Order), the Whse Shipment is can be created and posted.
When Posted, For the Whse Shipment is posted, for every item count on which shipment the Whse Shipment lines, Item Ledger Entriesare created.
The Item Leger entry creation with will create a New Asset record based on the following mappings.
Fields Mappings
Target Assets FIELD LABEL | Target Assets FIELD NAME (API Name) | Source GoldFinch FIELD LABEL | Source Goldfinch Field API | Object |
AccountId | Sell to Customer | GFERP__Sell_to_Customer__c | Whse Shipment | |
Street | Shipping Street | Shipping | Whse Shipment | |
Country | Country | Shipping Country | Country_from_Whse__c | Whse Shipment |
State | State | Shipping State | State_from_whse | Whse Shipment |
Postal Code | Postal Code | Shipping Postal Code | Postal_Code_from_whse | Whse Shipment |
CurrencyIsoCode | Currency | CurrencyIsoCode | Whse Shipment | |
Name | Product Name | Product Name | SF Product | |
OwnerId | Opportunity Owner | Asset_Owner__c | Opportunity | |
CreatedById | Createdby | CreatedById Name | Whse Shipment | |
ManufactureDate | Posting date from Work order | Manufacture_Date__c | Work order | |
Opportunity__c | Opportunity Name | Opportunity_c | Opportunity | |
Price | Unit price | Unit_Price_from_WSL | Sales Order | |
Product2Id | Poroduct Name | Product_Name_from_Item_Product | SF Product | |
ProductCode | Product Code | Product_Code_from_Item_Product | SF Product | |
ProductDescription | Product Description | Product_Description_Item_Product__c | SF Product | |
ProductFamily | Product Family | Product_Family_Item_Product__c | SF Product | |
PurchaseDate | Order Date | Purchase_Date_WS_SO__c | Sales Order | |
Quantity | Quantity | Quantity | Item Ledger entry | |
SerialNumber | Serial Number | GFERP__Serial_No__c | Item Ledger entry | |
Ship Date (Install Date) | ShipDate__c | Actual Shipping Date | Actual Shipment Date_c | Whse Shipment |
Status | Shipped | Shipment status | Shipment status |
Manufacture Date
The manufacture date will show for Assets that are produced through the Production Journal.
Assets Deletion
When the Whse Shipment is unposted due to any reason, the related Asset records will also be deleted.