Client orders are created by the The B2B portal creates client orders.
Orders can be picked up or delivered?
How to group delivery orders?
Run this report???.
Pantry Managers can only see their own orders.
Pantry Managers cannot create new orders manually. All new orders must go through B2B.
Pantry Managers can modify orders. The modifications will not affect points calculations.
When orders are created or modified, inventory allocations are automatically updated, and the Allocated . The allocated field on SKU is also updated.
Changing Order Status to Complete is OK even if there is no allocation.
When an order is canceled, inventory allocation will be deleted.After a Sales Invoice is created, you cannot modify, nor delete the orderstatus is canceled:
There will be an error if the GF Sales Invoice is not blank.
Create a flow to update Do Not Allocate to true
Inventory allocation should automatically be deleted.
Check SKU Allocated field is updated.
Fulfilled = false
When an order status is not canceled:
Use the same flow to update Do Not Allocate = false
Inventory allocation should automatically be added
Check SKU Allocated field is updated too.
When the order status is “Order Distributed”:
Fulfilled = true
Should not be allowed to delete orders. (only cancel order) - confirm this with R1?????
After creating a Sales Invoice, you cannot modify the order unless the GF Sales Invoice is blanked out first
Should not allow cloning an Order????
On Order, Account, and Warehouse are required.
On Order Product, Product is required.
Pantry Managers use Views to work.
Pantry Managers may choose to “Print Packing Slip”mass , or order by order.
Pantry Managers can manually Update Order Status.
Fulfilled is checked automatically when Order Status = Order CompletedDistributed
Hourly routine to create Sales Invoices and to post for fulfilled orders.
Or manually click “Create Sales Invoice” manually for a fulfilled order.
then, Post Sales Invoice
Open Questions:
On Order, Account, and Warehouse are required.
- On Order Product, Product is required.
Order Header
GoldFinch Fields |
Field Name | Data Type | Comment | |
AccountId | Account ID | Lookup(Account) | Pantry Account will be populated |
B2B_Delivery_City__c | Delivery City | string (255) | These fields will be populated only when B2B_Home_Delivery_Requested__c is set to TRUE and Order Type == Delivery Order |
B2B_Delivery_Instructions__c | Delivery Instructions | textarea (32768) | |
B2B_Delivery_Pincode__c | Delivery Pincode | string (10) | |
B2B_Delivery_State__c | Delivery State | string (255) | |
B2B_Delivery_Street__c | Delivery Street | string (255) | |
B2B_Home_Delivery_Requested__c | Home Delivery Requested | boolean, required | If the Client is eligible for Delivery, then we will populate this checkbox && Order Type == Delivery Order |
B2B_Pickup_Date__c | Pickup Date | date | Pickup date will be populated when Order Type == Pickup Order |
B2B_Pickup_Person_Contact_Number__c | Pickup Person Contact Number | phone (40) | These fields will populated when B2B_Will_someone_else_pickup_the_food__c == True |
B2B_Pickup_Person_Name__c | Pickup Person Name | string (100) | |
B2B_Pickup_Person_Relationship__c | Pickup Person Relationship | string (100) | |
B2B_Pickup_Slot__c | Pickup Slot | Lookup(B2B Pantry Slot Management) | Lookup to B2B Pantry Slot Management |
B2B_Will_someone_else_pickup_the_food__c | Will someone else pickup the food | boolean, required | This will be populated when Order Type == Pickup Order |
BillToContactId | Bill To Contact ID | Lookup(Contact) | Contact of the Order |
EffectiveDate | Order Start Date | date, required | Ordered Date |
Id | Order ID | id (18), required | RecordID |
OrderedDate | Ordered Date | datetime | We are not populating this yet |
OrderNumber | Order Number | string (30), auto number, required | Auto Number |
OwnerId | Owner ID | Lookup(User,Group) | |
Status | Status | picklist (100), required, restricted | Order Submitted |
Order Type | Type | Picklist | Pickup Order |
Order Amount | TotalAmount | Currency(16, 2) | |
GFERP__Warehouse__c | Warehouse | Lookup(Warehouse) | We are not populating this yet This field must be populated |
GFERP__Allocation_Status__c | Allocation Status | Updated automatically. Should be Full. | |
GFERP__Fulfilled__c | Fulfilled | Checked automatically when Status = Completed | |
GFERP__Draft__c | Draft | Checked automatically when Status = Canceled |
Order Lines
GoldFinch Fields |
Field Name | Data Type | R1 Comments | |
Id | Order Product ID | id (18), required | ID |
ListPrice | List Price | currency (18, 2) | List Price on the Item record |
OrderId | Order ID | Lookup(Order) | Lookup to Order |
OrderItemNumber | Order Product Number | string (30), auto number, required | Autonumber |
Product2Id | Product ID | Lookup(Product) | Lookup to the Product2 |
Quantity | Quantity | double (18, 2), required | Quantity of the product added by the client |
TotalLineAmount | Product Subtotal | currency (18, 2) | Total Points for the product |
Type | Type | picklist (100), restricted | We populate "Order Product" |
UnitPrice | Unit Price | currency (18, 2) | Points per Product |