Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Finance Companies

Create new accounts for finance companies.

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Finance Programs

Under the finance companies, create finance programs.


Field Name






Enter 10,200 to test calculations. When creating quotes, this number will be replaced by the actual Dealer Cost set up for each product.




Enter 12,750 to test calculations. When creating quotes, this number will be replaced by the actual Cash price set up for each product.




Enter 14,152.50 to test calculations. When creating quotes, this number will be replaced by the actual Promo price set up for each product.




Enter 15,709.28 to test calculations. When creating quotes, this number will be replaced by the actual MSRP price set up for each product.


Interest Rate


Enter a value. It cannot be changed on the quotes.




Enter a value. It cannot be changed on the quotes.


Participation Fee


Enter a default value by the program. When creating quotes, this number can be changed by the sales rep.


Dealer’s Margin


Enter a default value by the program. When creating quotes, this number can be changed by the sales rep.

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Estimated Dealer’s Cost


Participation Cost + Dealer


Margin + Finance Rate


Dealer's Margin + Participation Fee


Selling Price


Dealer / (1- (Margin + Finance Rate ))


Estimated Dealer Margin


Selling Price - Estimated Dealer's Cost


Participation Cost


Selling Price * Participation Fee


Monthly Payment


if (Interest_Rate__c != 0,
(Selling_Price__c*(Interest_Rate__c/12)) / (1 - (1 + (Interest_Rate__c/12))^(-Months__c)),
Selling_Price__c / Months__c)

Dealer Accounts

Create new accounts for dealers.


Assign the finance companies to the dealers.


Sales Reps

Create contacts under the dealer account for sales reps.

Use the Salesforce User field to link Sales Reps to Salesforce Users.



Products are created/updated from GoldFinch items, together with the Serial Tracked field.


Price Book Entries

  • Should only maintain one active Price Book, Standard Price Book.

  • Yakta updates product prices a few times a year. Before mass updating product prices, clone the Price Book to archive the old prices.

  • On the price book, each Yakta product should have 2 price entries. One for CAD, and the other one for USD.

  • Click Edit on the Price Entries to edit the Cash, Promo, and MSRP fields. These fields will be used on the Sales Quotes.


Creating Quotes

  • Every sale must have an opportunity.

  • Quotes must be created from opportunities.

  • It is possible to sell multiple serialized products on one Opportunity.

  • It is possible to sell multiple serial numbers per product on one Opportunity.

Create an Opportunity

Search the existing opportunities first before creating a new one.


Field Name




Opportunity Name


Manually enter a value.


Opportunity Currency


CAD is entered automatically.




Manually enter a value or leave it blank.


Assigned Dealer


Manually enter a value, or if blank, populated automatically based on the current logged-in user.


Assigned Salesperson


Manually enter a value, or if blank, populated automatically based on the current logged-in user.


Closed Date


Manually enter a value.




Manually enter a value.


Price Book


Standard Price Book is entered automatically

Creating Quotes

To create a new quote, click New Quote.

To clone from an existing quote, click Quote Number to go to the Quote page, then click the Clone button. After cloning, you will be on the new quote automatically with the same header and lines as the cloned quote. The new Quote will have the Syncing field checked automatically.


On the Quote, The following information is automatically populated.

  • Assigned Dealer

  • Assigned Salesperson

  • Customer Account

  • Quote Currency

Click Add Lines to add products.

Type any part of the Product Name to search for products.


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The following fields are automatically populated.


Field Name




Estimated Dealer’s Cost


From the Dealer Cost field from the Price Entry, filtered by Currency on the header




Default to 20% but can be changed.




Default to 1 but can be changed.


Unit Price


Estimated Dealer’s Cost / (1- Margin))


Line Amount


Quantity * Unit Price


Dealer Cost


From the Dealer Cost field from the Price Entry, filtered by Currency on the header




From the Cash field from the Price Entry, filtered by Currency on the header




From the Promo field from the Price Entry, filtered by Currency on the header




From the MSRP field from the Price Entry, filtered by Currency on the header

After you finalize the products and quantity, navigate to the Payment tab to select a Finance Company.

The finance programs associated with the finance company will be automatically populated.

You can continue to adjust the Participation Fee and Dealer’s Margin as needed.


Then select a Finance Program. The total Selling Price and Estimated Dealer’s Cost will be allocated down to the detailed lines using the Dealer Cost field for each of the products.


Navigate to the Customer tab. You can use Phone No. or email to search for an existing customer.


Select a customer, and then the system will automatically populate the name and the address to the quote, together with the customer ID.

If the customer does not exist in the database, the system will create a new account with the entered customer’s name and address.


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The detailed finance program with modified Participation Cost and Dealer Margin is saved in the Finance Program Details field on the Quote for future retrieval.


Opportunity is sync’d from the latest quote.


Assign Serial No.

Click the Product field on the Opportunity Product with Serial Tracked = true.


Click Assign Serial No.


You can Assign or Unassign Serial Numbers for the product.

You will only see Serial Numbers that are associated with the Dealer Account and are not assigned to other opportunities.
Click Save to save the assignment.


Child pages (Children Display)