YAKTA wants to track all produced / shipped inventory and would like to track the register warranty for Shipped Serial No’s.
Serial No Generation ( Output)
When an Output Item is produced through Production Item Journal ( from work order) and posted, this will generate a new Serial Number with Status = YAKTA and populate following details
Field Name | Comments | |
Serial No. (Name field) must be unique | Text | |
Product (lookup) | Lookup | |
Item (lookup) | Lookup | |
Engine Serial No. | Text | |
Hydrogear Left Serial No. | Text | |
Hydrogear Right Serial No. | Text | |
No. of Ledger Entries | Serial No. cannot be deleted if No. of Ledger Entries > 0 | |
Status | If (Sold_Date__c != null, 'Sold', | |
Quantity | Rollup Summary | |
Dealer Account (lookup) | Lookup | |
End User Account (lookup) | Lookup | |
Sold to Opportunity (lookup) | Lookup | |
Sold to Opportunity Product (lookup) | Lookup | |
Manufacture Date | Posting production date | |
Sold Date | formula | Closed Date from Opportunity |
Warranty Expiration Date | formula | plus 5 years???? or 2000 hours??? |
Serial No. Ledger Entry
Field Name | Comments | |
Entry No. (auto number) | ||
Serial No. | Master Detailed | |
Document Type | Shipment | |
Posting Date | Reserve a SN against an opportunity | |
Lookup | Lookup | |
Item Ledger Entry (lookup) | Lookup | |
Description |
When Output Item Journal is unposted, a new Serial No Ledger entry will be created with Quantity = 0
Error Checking:-
Duplication will be checked before creating a new serial number record
Serial No. header cannot be deleted if Any of the fields below are not blank:
Sold to Opportunity
Sold to Opportunity Product
Dealer Account
Sold to User Account
These four fields should be READ only for regular users.
Sold to Opportunity
Sold to Opportunity Product
Dealer Account
Sold to End User Account
When posting returns, Dealer Account will be blanked out.
Add one more Serial No. Ledger Entry, for the return.
Serial No Update( Shipment)
When Shipment is posted, a new Serial No ledger entry will be created with Quanity = -1 and status of serial no will change to Dealer Stock.
When Shipment is unposted, a new serial no Ledger entry will be created with Quantity = 0
When Shipment is returned, a new serial no Ledger entry will be created with Quantity = +1
The Quantity on Serial No header will be the total of all quantities on Serial No ledger entries.
Case Management
Case (used for Warranty Ticket) one case per serial number
Field Name | ||
Warranty Status | In Review, Approved, Paid | Paid = can be A/P check or credit memo against AP |
Serial No. (lookup) | ||
Product (lookup) | ||
Item (lookup) | ||
Under Warranty | Need a formula field??? | |
Under Warranty Amount | Roll-up summary with Under Warranty = true | |
Under Warranty Product Amount | Roll-up summary with Under Warranty = true, and Product Family = Parts | |
Under Warranty Labor Amount | Roll-up summary with Under Warranty = true, and Product Family = Labor | |
Out of Warranty Amount | Roll-up summary with Under Warranty = false | |
Vendor Payment (lookup) | ||
Purchase Credit Memo (Lookup) |
Warranty Lines
Field Name | ||
Case No. (master-detail) | ||
Product | Parts when Product Family = Parts Labor when Product Family = Labor | |
Quantity | ||
Unit Price | ||
Line Amount (formula) | what formula? |
Dealers must fill out Case and Warranty Ticket Lines to get paid for under-warranty work.
Warranty Ticket Lines are optional for not under-warranty work
Vendor Payment lookup, Purchase Credit Memo lookup on Case
Case - turn on the approval process to approve, if Under Warranty Amount > 0
Once approved, create two workflows to call the apex code
Under Warranty Labor Amount > 0, to create a Vendor Payment to pay via ACH
Under Warranty Product Amount > 0, to create Purchase Credit Memo, to credit against Purchase Invoice