minLevel | 1 |
maxLevel | 6 |
outline | false |
type | list |
printable | false |
Waseem Khan to test
How to Deduct Inventory
The process starts from the Salesforce Order object.
Tech Install - will use the GoldFinch FSL module to help manage inventory.
GoldFinch FSL Inventory-related features
Inventory movement/replenishment
Inventory product requests for purchase.
GF Inventory vs. FSL Inventory reconciliation.
GoldFinch Sales Invoice Creation
Follow the Home Water Process to create Work Orders from Salesforce Orders.
On the Work Order, add consumption line items, and then complete the Work Order.
FSL integration will create and post GF Sales Invoice automatically.
How does FLS integration populate Warehouse on the Sales Invoice?
How does FLS integration populate GL Ledger on the Sales Invoice?
GL Ledger on the Sales Invoice must match with GL Ledger on the Warehouse, or you will not be allowed to post the Sales invoice.
When posting the GF Sales Invoices
Inventory will be deducted.
The Invoice Amount is 0 on these invoices.
Self Install
After the order is shipped, the Home Water routine will change the status of the Salesforce Order to Shipped.
On the Salesforce Order page, GoldFinch will add a button (and also an hourly scheduled routine), to create and post GoldFinch Sales Invoices automatically
To deduct inventory.
The Invoice Amount is 0 on these invoices.
Accounting Entries
CR Inventory (Company Setup)
Tech Install/Self Install - Upfront Payments
Home Water routine will create a Salesforce Invoice and use a credit card to charge the full amount to the customer.
On the Salesforce Invoice page, GoldFinch will add a button (and also an hourly scheduled routine) to create and post GoldFinch Sales Invoices:
DR Cash
CR Revenue
Committed Book with One Time or Recurring Charge Type
Lease Revenue with One-Time Charge Type
Home Water creates a Salesforce Invoice from a Salesforce Order and charges the customer the full amount using a credit card.
Salesforce Invoice Line Views
Use Salesforce Invoice Line view to create GoldFinch Invoices to record revenue without deducting inventory again.
Non Lease w/o GL Entry
When Account Posting Group = Committed Book
Charge Type = One Time and Invoice Payment Status = Paid, OR
Charge Type = Recurring and Invoice Status = Posted
Order Record Type != blank
When Account Posting Group = Lease Revenue:
Charge Type = One Time
Order Record Type contains Upfront
Invoice Payment Status = Paid
Posted = false (will check this after GL Entries are created)
Product Family != ‘FRP’
Non Lease with GL Entry
When Account Posting Group = Committed Book
Order Record Type contains Upfront and Invoice Payment Status = Paid, OR
Order Record Type contains Rental and Invoice Status = Posted
When Account Posting Group = Lease Revenue:
Order Record Type contains Upfront
Invoice Payment Status = Paid
Posted = true
Product Family != ‘FRP’
Manual Post GL Entries
Navigate to Salesforce Invoice Line - Non Lease w/o GL Entry view
Select the lines you want to post GL Entrie.
Click the Non-Lease Post button
You can only one line each time.
Use Country (Invoice__r.Currency), Account Posting Group (from Account), Charge Type, and Filter Replace Plan to look for Account Posting Setup to get these GL Accounts
Write-off GL Account
Revenue GL Account
Sales Tax GL Account
Manual Unpost GL Entries
Navigate to Salesforce Invoice Line - Non Lease with GL Entry view
Select the lines you want to unpost GL Entrie.
Click the Non-Lease Unpost button
Automatic Post GL Entries
Use the Hourly routine configured on the Job Scheduler, with Job name = “Post Non Lease GL Entries” and Class name GF_PostNoneLeaseSFInvoiceLineSched
All errors will be displayed in the field Error Message.
Batch size = 1
Need to create a view to display the error.
CR - Revenue
CR - Sales Tax