Need to Review
Kit items, should use both BOM and Item Routings
Some Work Centers are for Outside Service.
The current Explode BOM function does not look at Item Routings - need to change
2 warehouses
Overstock goes to one of these WH
Would like to manage inventory for each WH
One has a yard location
Rack Locations at Warehouse 1
Bulk Storage
Small Bin Locations at Warehouse 2
Phase 1 - Do not track individual bins
Work Order Process
Long pieces of wood are cut down into smaller sections.
Work Orders may be created manually or as a special order from a sales order line.
If there is not enough Long Wood Pieces for the work order, create a requisition:
2 Options for Bringing Long Wood Pieces to Cutting Room - See Options Here
Create Picks
Create Movements
Create production journal when finished with cutting.
Finish Work Order