Table of Contents | ||||
Food Pantry Admin
All Apps for System Admin e.g( Pantry Manager(Default))
Are they Administrators ???- most likely not
GF_ Main Warehouse Permission Set
GF_Pantry Manager Permission Set
Food Pantry Agency
Pantry Manager(Default) app
GFERP GF_Pantry Manager Permission Set
Main Warehouse Staff
Main Warehouse (Default) app
GFERP GF_ Main Warehouse Permission Set
GoldFinch to create two Permission Sets to add to R1 Permission Sets.
GF_Main Warehouse Permission Set
Turn on Read All, and Modify All
Access to Agency Allocation Page to read and create Transfer Orders
CRUD on these objects:
Transfer Orders
Transfer Lines
Purchase Orders
Purchase Lines
Sales Invoices
Sales Invoices Lines
Whse Receipts
Whse Receipt Lines
Whse Shipments
Whse Shipment Lines
Whse Activities
Whse Activity Lines
Purchase Invoices
Purchase Invoice Lines
Item Journals
Item Journal Lines
Transfer Allocation
Read and View All these objects:
Alternate Shipping -
Payment Terms -
Company Setup (no delete) -
Currency Codes -
GL Accounts -
Numbering Series -
Shipping Agents -
Warehouses -
Items -
Item Units of Measure -
Item Formula-
Item Categories -
Bins -
Bin Contents -
Project -
Project Task -
Product Allocations -
Item Ledger Entries -
Warehouse Entries -
Cost Entries
Contacts -
Tracking Lines -
Item Allocations (TO) -
Account Posting Setups -
Cost Entries -
GL Entries -
GF_Pantry Manager Permission Set
Do Not turn on Read View All, and Modify All
Do not access to Agency Allocation Page to read and create Transfer Orders
Read Warehouse -
Read/Update SKUs -
Read ItemsTransfer Orders -
Read Transfer OrdersLines -
Read Tracking Lines -
Read Transfer Order Allocation
CRUD on Whse Receipts
CRUD on Whse Receipt LinesItem Allocation (TO) -
Read Whse Receipts - due to their licensing agreement
Read Whse Receipt Lines - due to their licensing agreement
Allow to create Whse Receipts on Transfer Orders and post WRs and create putaway
CRUD on Read Whse Activities CRUD on - due to their licensing agreement
Read Whse Activity Lines
Allow creating Whse Activities from WRs
Read Bin Contents - due to their licensing agreement
Read Bins -
CRUD on Item Journals (for Item Journal and Kit Assembly) -
CRUD on Item Journal Lines -
Sharing Rules for Pantry Managers
Stockkeeping Unit
Transfer Orders
Whse Receipt
Whse ActivitiesBin Content
Item Journal
What is the best way to share:
Change the Sharing Settings for the above objects to Private
Write after insert/update trigger code to these 7 6 objects to change the owner to
B2B Owner
Then share the records with Pantry ManagerManagers.
How do you find Pantry Manager userusers:
Each of the records has a Warehouse field. (use Transfer-to Warehouse for Transfer Orders)
Warehouse has Transfer-to Account
Then use Transfer-to Account to filter the B2B_PantryAssocation table.
You will find one or more Pantry Managers per account. One Pantry manager potentially can manage multiple accounts.
Share the record with all of them.
Sample code:B2B_DelegatedAccountTrigger
Do not update R1 code, which start with B2B_
Do not call R1 code, which start with B2B_
Create our own code, start with GF_
Update Trigger code on B2B Pantry Association records.
You can use R1 Trigger, but pls minimize changes. The bulk of our code should be our own class.
When delete, delete all related sharing records for all 6 objects.
When insert, add sharing records for all 6 objects.
When update, delete then update sharing records for all 6 objects.
Visualforce Pages/Classes/Reports (done except the red ones)
Main Warehouse Staff
GFERP Main Warehouse Permission Set
IGNORE for the time being -
User 1
Food Pantry Admin
GFERP Super Admin Permission Set