Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The following are basic notes/specifications for enhancements. Full specifications/requirements will be scoped out and presented as a proposal.

Receive Items not on PO

See Proposal

6 hours

Print Pallet labels from Mobile

See Proposal

4-6 hours. (I sent an estimate for this task before, and a video clip)

Lots on Purchase Order - Similar to ASN

Business Need: Need to track what is received vs what the donor is offering.

  • Add lot to Purchase Order

  • Receive against that lot from the purchase order

  • Show the Lot number on the PO line on mobile scan app

  • How do we handle receipts of lots not on the PO?

Receive Items not on Purchase Order

Business Need: Donors will send items, but GGC won’t know ahead of time what the donor plans on sending.

Workaround: As long as the PO has not been closed, then the back office staff will add items to a purchase order. This is OOB GoldFinch Functionality

Item Weight in Metric and Imperial

Business Need: The weight of an item is used to calculate number of meals. Number of meals donated is an important reporting KPI. Depending on where a user is, the correct units should be displayed


Causmic will manage adding a custom field & formula to calculate this.

Issue: Can not edit Purchasing Type

On the Purchase Order Page:


Purchasing Type not visible:


Purchasing Type - Automatically Update PO Lines

Business Need: When selecting the Purchasing Type, a user doesn’t want to have to edit each purchase order line’s Purchasing Type if it is different than the item’s default.

  • Automatically update the purchase order line with the Purchase Order’s Purchasing Type

  • But still allow the user to edit if necessary

Custom Field on Item to show at Putaway

GoldFinch to add a “formula” field

Causmic to create formula to populate the category.

Show this field on the mobile app putaway instructions so a user can pick a different bin location based on the category.

image-20240625-160630.pngImage Added

Item Availability Status Report

Use the Causmic custom fields

Increase record list view - more than 10

Sort by “On Hand”

Add Item Avail Status Report to Edit with Lines Sales Order Page

So the person creating the order can quickly see what is available.

Auto Create Picks

Add a setting that once a warehouse shipment is created, picks are automatically created.

We need to create Whse Shipment records without an Actual Shipment Date

See Discussion here:

Editing "Edit" page headers

See Discussion here:

Is it possible to include the Import Purchase Lines code in a screen flow?

See Discussion here:

Improve process of creating a Whse Receipt for Drop Ship- Create Receipt button to the Sales Order object,

See Discussion Here: