Item mandatory fields
Brand (a picklist, how many brands can you have?)
Packaging Type
List Points (Standard Base Price)
Optional Custom Fields
Kosher Halal Certifications
Kosher Certifications
Kosher Factors
Is Passover Certified
Variation Parent
Use the Variation Parent tab to maintain
Name Item Category
Parent Category (a formula field)
Assign items to a Variation Parent
R1 has code to update B2B Variations table, Product Class
In Dev, GF Item Insert/Update Flow updates these fields to Product2
Stockkeeping Units
Do Not Show on B2B (Updated by Pantry Managers manually)
If checked, Entitlement Products will not be created in B2B, even if OMS Available > 0)
R1 to schedule an hourly routine to update Entitlement Products table from GF SKU
Each Agency has
A Buyer’s Group setup for its clients.
Entitle Products controls what products should be displayed on the B2B portal.
R1 to schedule another hourly routine to refresh (re-index) the B2B portal based on the Entitlement Products to either remove or add products to the website.
On the B2B portal
Read GF SKU object for Available Qty. If OMS Available <= 0, display “Out of Stock” message
When checking out a shopping cart, check OMS Available to ensure it is OMS Qty. >= Order Qty.
Product (formula)
Sales Points (Updated by Pantry Managers manually)
Threshold (Updated by Pantry Managers manually)
List Points (formula)
From Item table.
On Hand.. (formula)
GF updates this field automatically when inventory is updated.
Incoming.. (formula)
GF updates this field automatically from Purchase Orders or Transfer Orders.
Allocated (formula)
GF updates this field automatically when a SF Order is created/updated/deleted.
OMS Available (formula, On Hand - Allocated - Threshold)
Create SKU from Items
New SKUs will be automatically created when inventory is posted against a Warehouse.
More mappings here
Open To Dos:
Delete old items from UAT
Write codes to update the Item Category, Parent Category, and the association of Items to Item Category to B2B, assuming one product belongs to one Item Category.