Company Setup, check or uncheck Include Incoming Qty.
If Include Incoming Qty. is not checked,
When create/update items, if Main Available > 0, Non sellable = false, or true,
If Include Incoming Qty. is checked,
if Main Available + Incoming Qty > 0, Non sellable = false, or true
On TO Line, when searching items, items with Non sellable = true do not appear.
How to Update Non Sellable right away:
Use App Launcher to search for Job Scheduler.
Click Unschedule button for the Non Selleable Update routine.
Then Run Now to update the Non Sellable field on Items.
Then schedule the routine again.
The Item SKU Update routine updates On Hand, Transfer Out, Allocated, Incoming, Available fields on SKUs for Warehouses with Enabled for Demand Forecasting = true.
Currently, only the Main warehouse has Enabled for Demand Forecasting = true.
All digital warehouses should have Enabled for Demand Forecasting = true.