VRP -Lead
VRP - Lead to Opportunity conversion
VRP - Opportunity Management
Product for Opportunity = TEST ZERO TURN
Test Opportunity Link :- https://yakta--tekstakdev.sandbox.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Opportunity/006DP00000KAxafYAD/view
GF Forecast
Move the opportunity to the Commitment stage and save. ( The sale order should be deleted from the Opportunity details page)
To show the forecast table, Use the command Database.executeBatch(new GF_CalculateSalesForecastBatch());
GF Item = Y-TESTZEROTURN, SF Product = TEST ZERO TURN, Customer = Goldfinch cloud solutions
GF - Create Sales Order from Opportunity:-
Item Configurations
Purchasing Type must be Special Order
The replenishment System must be the Work Order
Report Output by Routing must be checked
GF - Scheduled in Production
Create Requisition
Create Work Orders
One Sales Line, one Work Order
Create Production Journal ( Inventory is available for component items Test-Bearing and Test Spindle)
Finish Work Order
Show Total Finished Cost mount on Work Orders
Show Allocation on Sales order and Create Shipment from Sales Order
Print Packing List
Post Shipment
GF - GoldFinch will create a Fixed Asset recording after a shipment is posted
VRP - can take over other management of Fixed Assets.
Create and Post Sales Invoice
GF - List view or a report to see Work Order value by Week
Show Last Week, Next Week, Current Month List view configured
Show Sales Line Date, Line Shipment Date on Work order Layout
Weekly Report in progress