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Company Setup

Field Name


Lease Receivable G/L Account

Lookup(GL Account)

Account Sales Tax Payable

Lookup(GL Account)

Default Loan Interest Rate

Default Interest Rate(%) uses in the amoritization calculation, unless overwritten by Product2.GF_Interest_Rate__c

Account Posting Setup

Field Name


Interest Income G/L Account

Lookup(GL Account)

Write-Off G/L Account

Lookup(GL Account)

Salesforce Invoice Line

Field Name


Ready for Amortization Calculation


ISPICKVAL( blng__InvoiceLineStatus__c ,'Posted') 
&& NOT(ISBLANK( blng__OrderProduct__c ))
&& ISBLANK( Lease_Amortization_Line__c ) 
&& (
|| ISPICKVAL( blng__Product__r.Sub_Category__c, 'DISCOUNT') 
|| ISPICKVAL(blng__Product__r.Sub_Category__c, 'DOWN_PAYMENT')

Lease Amortization Line

Lookup(Lease Amortization Line)

Create Amortization from Salesforce Invoice Lines

Salesforce Invoice Line List Views

First SF Invoices Lines w/o AMT Lines


First Invoice = True

Lease Amortization Line = ‘'

Ready for Amortization Calculation = True

First SF Invoices Lines with AMT Lines


First Invoice = True

Lease Amortization Line != ‘'

Monthly SF Inv. Lines with AMT Lines


First Invoice = False

Lease Amortization Line != ‘'

Monthly SF Inv. Lines w/o AMT Lines


First Invoice = False

Lease Amortization Line = ‘'

Ready for Amortization Calculation = True

Create Amortization from Salesforce Invoice Lines

  • Navigate to Salesforce Invoice Line - First SF Invoice Lines w/o AMT Lines view

    • Select the lines you want to create Amortization Entries for.

    • Click the Create Amortization Entries button

  • Navigate to the First SF Invoice Lines with AMT Lines list view.

  • Click on the Salesforce Invoice record to view the amortization entries generated for the invoice in the Lease Amortizations section.


Amortization Schedule

  • The system will create one Lease Amortization Schedule per Order Product if there are multiple invoice lines with different Order Products.

  • The principal amount P(LR Booked Amount) is calculated using this formula:



P = LR Booked Amount

PMT = MRR Amount

r = Interest Rate/12

n = Term(months)

  • When processing the invoice lines, the system will sort them by the Start Date. Then, it’ll process the invoice lines sequentially.

  • The system will create at least two Lease Amortization Lines entries from First Invoice Line:

    • Initial Entry

      • Lease Receivable = LR Booked Amount

    • Monthly Entry

      • It will calculate the Remaining Principal Amount = LR Booked Amount - Total LR Amount Paid

      • Interest Amount = Remaining Principal Amount * Interest Rate / 100 / 12

      • Lease Receivable = MRR Amount - Interest Amount

      • Tax = Salesforce Invoice Line Tax Amount

      • Invoice Amount = Salesforce Invoice Line Total Amount

Lease Amortization

Field Name




First Invoice

Salesforce Invoice > First Invoice = True

Fully Paid

Formula(Total LR Amount Paid = LR Booked Amount)

Interest Income GL Account

Interest Rate

Company Default > Default Loan Interest Rate, Can be overwritten by Product > GF_Interest_Rate__c


Invoice Line > Product > Item

Lease Receivable GL Account

LR Booked Amount

Calculated Principal Amount

MRR Amount

Invoice Line > Order Product > Billable Unit Price

Open Lines

Roll-Up Summary COUNT Lease Amortization Line (Post != True)

Order Product

Invoice Line > Order Product (One Order Product per Lease Amortization)

Original Ownership

Order Product > Original Ownership

Revenue G/L Account

Starting Date

Invoice Line > Start Date


Invoice > Invoice Line > Product > Product_Contract_Term__c

Total Discount

Roll-Up Summary (SUM Lease Amortization Line Lease: Discount Amount)

Total Interest Paid

Roll-Up Summary (SUM Lease Amortization Line Lease: Interest Amount)

Total Invoice Amount

Roll-Up Summary (SUM Lease Amortization Line Lease: Invoice Amount)

Total Lines

Roll-Up Summary COUNT Lease Amortization Line

Total LR Amount Paid

Roll-Up Summary (SUM Lease Amortization Line: Lease Receivable), Line Type = Monthly Entry

Down Payment Amount

Roll-Up Summary (SUM Lease Amortization Line Lease: Down Payment Amount)

Write-Off GL Account


True if Lease Amoritization is cancelled using the Cancel Lease button


Lease Amortization Lines

Field Name




Invoice Date

SF Invoice Posting Date

Invoice Amount

SF Invoice Line: TotalAmount. (Include Tax)

Lease Receivable

MRR Amount

Monthly Payment Amount


True if the line is posted

SF Invoice Line Calculated Qty.

SF Invoice Line: Calcualted Quantity

Tax Amount

SF Invoice Line: TaxAmount

Interest Amount

Discount Amount

Down Payment Amount

SF Sales Invoice

SF Sales Invoice Line


Create Monthly Amortization Entries From Invoice Lines (Salesforce Invoice Line)

  • Navigate to the Monthly SF Inv. Lines w/o AMT Lines Invoice Line list view.

  • Select the Invoice Lines for which you want to create monthly amortization entries.

  • Click the Create Amortization Entries button to initiate the process.


  • The system will search for exiting Lease Amortization using Salesforce Invoice Line’s Order Product, if the Order Product has a Lease Amortization record, then the routine will use the Salesforce Invoice Line data to create a Monthly Amortization Entry under the linked Lease Amortization.

The system will search for existing Lease Amortization records using the Order Product associated with the Salesforce Invoice Line. If the Order Product is linked to a Lease Amortization record, the routine will utilize the data from the Salesforce Invoice Line to generate a Monthly Amortization Entry under the corresponding Lease Amortization.

If Lease Amortization is not found, an error message will be written on the invoice line, letting the user know to create an amortization schedule for that invoice line.

Monthly Amortization Line Entry Calculation

  • When processing the invoice lines, the system will sort them by the Start Date. Then, it’ll process the invoice lines sequentially.

  • It will calculate the Remaining Principal Amount = LR Booked Amount - Total LR Amount Paid

  • Monthly Entry

    • Interest Amount = Remaining Principal Amount * Interest Rate / 100 / 12

    • Lease Receivable = MRR Amount - Interest Amount

Cancel an Amortization

  • Navigate to the Lease Amortization record that you want to cancel.

  • Click the Cancel Lease button to initiate the process.

  • A cancellation entry will be inserted into the amortization schedule.

    • Lease Receivable = LR Booked Amount - Total LR Amount Paid

    • Invoice Date = Today()

    • The system will flag the amortization as canceled.

Post & Un-Post Amortization

Lease Amortization Line List Views



Posted = False



Posted = True

How to Post Amortization Entries

  • Navigate to the Lease Amortization Line - Open list view.

  • Select entries and then click the Post button to initiate the posting process.


G/L Entries Examples

  • Lease Amortization Line Type = Initial Entry

    • Debit Lease Receivable Account

    • Credit Product Revenue Account

  • Lease Amortization Line Type = Monthly Entry

    • Debit Accounts Receivable (Invoice Amount $18.35)

    • Credit Lease Receivable Account (Lease Receivable $11.40)

    • Credit Interest Income Account (Interest Amount $5.55)

    • Credit Sales Tax Payable Account (Sales Tax $1.40)


  • Lease Amortization Line Type = Cancellation

    • Debit Write-off Account

    • Credit Lease Receivable Account

  • Lease Amortization Line Type = Discount

    • Debit Discount

    • Debit Sales Tax Payable

    • Credit Accounts Receivable

  • Lease Amortization Line Type = Down Payment

    • Debit Accounts Receivable

    • Credit Lease Receivable

How to Un-Post Amortization Entries

  • Navigate to the Lease Amortization Line - Posted list view.

  • Select entries and then click the Un-Post button to un-post.

  • The system will create reverse G/L entries if un-post is successfully run.

    • Sample reverse entries:


Open Questions/To Dos

  1. Work with Umair to create and test different test cases:

    1. Salesforce Invoice with one product

    2. Salesforce Invoice with multiple products.

    3. Salesforce Invoice with discount

    4. Salesforce Invoice with sales tax (Texas charges Sales Tax on the first invoice?)

      1. SW: Please send some examples.

    5. Salesforce invoice with downpayment

      1. SW: Need the Home Water team to create test invoices with a down payment line

    6. Excel Sheet with Examples


  2. GL Accounts for Posting?

    1. GL Ledger

      1. How to determine the value?

        1. by Warheouse, or by CurrencyCode on the Salesforce Invoice?

        2. If by Warehouse, how to determine the Warehouse on the Salesforce Invoices?

      2. Should add GL Ledger to the Amortization Schedule.

      3. SW: Currently, the System is assigning GL Ledger to GL Entry by CurrencyCode.

  3. Go Live, how should we handle open invoices?

    1. if we mass-create GF invoices and Amortization entries for existing Salesforce Invoices will it cause GL issues? such as double count?

  4. The current First Invoice flag does not work on Renewed subscriptions, it does not flag the First Invoice of the renewed subscription!!!


  1. Home Water Amortization Schedule

  2. Amortization Mapping

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