A user needs the ability to automatically send the PartSmart Picklist (Sales Order) to GoldFinch so they do not need to manually enter a sales order into GoldFinch.
Technical Requirements
PartSmart post their picklists to GoldFinch a public URL.
A new Import Sales Order record will be created with these fields:
Populate GFCON__Order_Source__c with “PartSmart”
Picklist JSON file should go to PartSmart_Picklist_JSON__c
The Picklist JSON File should include these values:
PartSmart User Name / Dealer
Product Id
As soon as a new Import Sales Order is created with PartSmart_Picklist_JSON__c != null:
Use PartSmart User Name to look up Contact, to populate
Customer Name
Id Customer No.
Populate Customer PO No. with Picklist Id
Order Date = today’s date
Populate Import Sales Line
PartSmart Picklist Field | GoldFinch Field Name | Field Help |
Product Id | Item No. | |
Quantity | Quantity |
Description | Description | |
Item Unit of Measure | Item__r.Base_Unit_of_Measure__r.Name | |
Unit Price | look up Sales Price table using Currency and Item. Currency is from Account. If blank, Company Setup. If blank, CAD |
Click the Create Sales Order button to create Sales Orders.