Home Water routine will create a Salesforce Invoice and use a credit card to charge the full amount to the customer.
Use Salesforce Invoice Line view to create GoldFinch Invoices to record revenue. Do not deduct inventory again.
For Order with Record Type = Tech Install/Self Install - Upfront Payments
Product Family != FRP
When Account Posting Group = Lease Revenue, and with the following conditions:
Charge Type= One-Time and Payment Status = Paid
When Account Posting Group = Committed Book
Charge Type= One-Time and Payment Status = Paid, OR
Charge Type = Recurring and Invoice Status = Posted
GF Invoice on Invoice is not blank
GF invoice Line on Invoice Line is not blank
Should use the Invoice Line to look for the invoice, then create a GoldFinch for all lines on the invoice.
Populate GoldFinch Invoice on the Salesforce Invoice Header and GoldFinch Sales Invoice Line on Salesfore Invoice Line.
Look at the Account Posting Group setup and Sales Tax setup.
On the Salesforce Invoice page GoldFinch will add a button (and also an hourly scheduled routine) to create and post GoldFinch Sales Invoices:
DR Accounts Receivable
CR Revenue
No future recurring invoices.