Projects - Current State
General Project Info
Phase 1
Install Posts
Use 3rd Party Service Crew
Send PO to 3rd Party
Phase 2
Finish Fence
Uses a different crew from Phase 1
Internal Crew or 3rd Party
Multi-Home & Single Home Project
One Project
One Parent Sales Order
Kits - Includes all the labor, components, etc
$0 Parent Sales Invoice
WH Shipments
Phase 1
Phase 2
One main opportunity
Child opportunities for each residence
Each Child will have their own
Change Orders
Sometimes they will change the quote
Sometimes they won’t
Payment Terms
Payment Terms
Prepayment/1st deposit = 50% of the quote.
This becomes the first invoice
After 50 days it becomes non refundable
There are other payment terms
Projects - Future State Recommendations
Reporting Requirements
3rd Party Labor
Used to calculate the difference between Sub Contractors and Hourly Crew
3rd Party Crew
Rate/Total Cost
Note: Hourly Crew rate comes from a separate payroll system.