Serial Number (Tracking Lines Object or Related List?) new fields:
Floorplan = Check Box
Vendor = Picklist
Wells Fargo
If “Floorplan” = TRUE
System will look at location where Item Journal is created, and update automatically
Trailer Nation Location
Vendor = Wells Fargo
Option 2 - Inventory Adjustment
Post to accounts
Option 1 - Purchase Order
Northpoint or Wells Fargo will be the Vendor
Flag on PO = “Floor PO”
Warehouse Receipt
Will look at the PO to see if it’s a Floor PO and post to the correct accounts
Accounting Questions
When to do Purchase Invoice?
How to adjust costs?
Would you need to edit the Purchase Order?
Screenshot from meeting - need actual file from Scott.
Purchase Invoice
Normally - pay for the item after it is sold to an end customer
Curtailment - paying for a portion of the item
To begin with, will manually create the purchase invoice
Will there be an automation to create purchase invoice?
After trying for the process for a while, then think about eventually automating it
Daily Report of Posted Sales Orders
For the items that were sold that day
Serial Number
Match to Purchase Order
Filter by Floorplan = Yes
Sold but Purchase Invoice not Paid Yet
Maybe also a report of unposted purchase invoices vs sales orders