Salesforce Orders with Record Types = Self Install Upfront and Self Install Rental
No need to create Work Orders
After the Order is shipped, the Home Water routine will change the status of the Salesforce Order to Shipped.
To create GoldFinch Invoices manually
Use this view: Ready to Create GoldFinch Invoices
Status = Completed
GF Sales Invoice = blank
Created Date = 5/1/2024 // Added this on Code so that HomeWater can test from this date. will be removed in Production
Select all records, then click Create GoldFinch Invoices.
Record Type = Self Install Upfront or Self Install Rental
Processing Stage = Delivered or Shipped
GF Sales Invoice = null
Warehouse != null
Product.GF_Item__c != null
Use a Scheduled Job with Schedule Name = SFOrder to Sales Invoice and Class name SFOrderSchedulable
The FSL team uses community plus license which doesn’t allow them to use some FSL functionality, so we have to use scheduled job.
Posting will be manual for now, we can provide batch posting
Must populate GL Ledger on the Sales Invoice using Warehouse__r.GL_Ledger__c
GL Ledger on the Sales Invoice must match with GL Ledger on the Warehouse, or the Sales invoice will not be allowed to be posted.
The Invoice Amount is 0 on these invoices.
When posting the GF Sales Invoices
Inventory will be deducted.
Accounting Entries
CR Inventory