Sales Orders Configuration
Add “Default Project Task” Field
Display Fields:
Default Project Task
Sales Invoice PDF
Sales Order Process
Salesforce Sales Quotes to Orders
Create GoldFinch Sales Orders from Salesforce Quote
Update GoldFinch Sales Orders
One Parent Sales Order
Parts & Supplies
Includes Posts
Some Items have an associated Bill of Materials
Installation Labor
Purchase Type = Special Order
One or More Children Sales Orders
Each order has only one line for a single item in GoldFinch that represents parts and labor.
Phase 1 - Fence Installation Labor
When a project is sold, they post job openings
Use 3rd Party Service Crew
They use 5 different vendors for services
Pre agreed upon labor price
Parent Sales Order → Insert Requisition
Send PO to 3rd Party
Phase 1 - Ship Parts & Supplies from Warehouse
Create Shipment from Parent Sales Order
Post Shipment
Print Packing Slip
Phase 2 Sales Order(s) as necessary
It is possible they need to update the Salesforce quote order at this time.
Extra Parts or Supplies
Labor for the remaining work
3rd Party
Sometimes they will change the Salesforce quote and resend to customers.
If Quote is updated, then Salesforce Quote will update GoldFinch Sales Orders
Otherwise, someone manually updates GoldFinch Sales Orders
Example Orders from Sales Quote for a Project
One Parent Sales Order
General Fence Kit #123 (BOM)
6 Fence Posts = $0
10 6-Foot Wood = $0
6 4-Foot = $0
Green Fence Kit #456 (BOM)
10 Green Fence Posts = $0
4 Green 6-Foot Wood = $0
2 Green 4-Foot = $0
Installation Labor = 150 hours
Parent Sales Order Total = $0
One or More Children Sales Orders
One for Each Residence
Residence 1 Example:
Item: Home Fence = $4,500.00
Description: Install 5 Posts, Install 40ft of fence, Includes Labor
Residence 2 Example:
Item: Home Fence = $2,500.00
Description: Install 1 Post, Install 10ft of fence,, Includes Labor