Automating and streamlining the current manual process of managing floor plan invoices in GFERP.
Create one Purchase Order per Floor Plan Unit
PO Setup:
The "buy from vendor" is set as the factory (where the unit is coming from).
The "pay to vendor" is set as the floor plan company (the financing company that owns the unit temporarily).
Create an Invoice when the PO is received: after receiving the unit, an invoice is created and issued to the floor plan company.
Payables to hit a separate GL Account called Floor Plan Payables to make it easier to track floor plan payables independently from other outstanding payables.
Payment to the floor plan company is only made after the unit is sold.
Serial numbers need to appear on both the PO and Invoice.
Bulk Invoice selection: mass select invoices from a report or upload
Test Scenario
Step 1: Setup Test Data
Set Up GL Accounts:
Regular Payables: Existing AP account: 2000-Accounts Payable
Floor Plan Payables: Create a new GL account: 2001-Floor Plan Payables
Is Intercompany: Checked
Create a Test Vendor:
Name: "Factory Vendor" (Supplier of units)
Type: Vendor
Is Intercompany: Checked
Default Payable GL Account: 2001-Floor Plan Payables
Create a Floor Plan Financing Company:
Name: "Floor Plan Company" (Financing entity)
Type: Vendor
Create a Product/Unit:
Name: "Test Unit A"
Item Type: Inventory Item
Serial Tracked: Enabled
Step 2: Create the Purchase Order (PO)
Go to Purchase Order in sandbox.
Create New PO:
Vendor: Factory Vendor (buy from)
Pay To: Floor Plan Company
Product: Test Unit A
Quantity: 1
Save the PO.
Step 3: Receive the PO and Generate an Invoice
Receive the PO:
From the PO in Step 2, Create Receipt (i.e. Warehouse Receipt).
Enter the Serial Number on the Warehouse Receipt Line.
Post the WR.
Create an Invoice:
From the WR or PO, Create Invoice.
Review the Invoice
Buy-from Vendor: Factory Vendor
Pay-to Vendor: Floor Plan Company
Post the Invoice
Ensure the payable is recorded in the Floor Plan Payables GL account by looking at the GL Entries on the PI.
Step 4: Simulate the Unit Sale and Payment
Sell the Unit:
Create a Sales Order for the "Test Unit A".
Ensure the serial number is linked to the sale.
Post the Sales Invoice:
Verify revenue, COGS, and inventory reduction.
Process the Payable:
In Accounts Payable, select the invoice created earlier.
Verify that it hits the Floor Plan Payables GL account.
Pay the Invoice:
Create a vendor payment for the Floor Plan Company.
Ensure the payable is cleared from the GL account.