Create GoldFinch Sales Orders from Salesforce Opportunities
For Lidd to Confirm:
Do we need amount on the Parent opportuntity?
If every parent opportunity will have its children opportunities (either single home, or parent home), do we need Price Book set up for the Kit parents?
Do we need to make sure the total amount of children opportunities match with the parent opportuntity?
For GoldFinch Team:
Use 10/18 Ascari (DEMO) Opportunity to test
Add a button to the Opportuntity page. Create GF Sales Orders.
Opportunity Status must be Closed Won.
Parent Opportunity field must be blank.
Sales Order field must be blank.
All Products on the Opportuntity Products must be linked to Item already.
GF Items cannot be blank on the Products.
When clicking on the button, do the following:
Create a Project for the Parent Opportuntity.
Populate Opportuntity Id to the Project.
Create two Project Tasks
Create a Parent Sales Order for the Parent Opportuntity
On Sales Line, populate Project field and Project Task with Fulfillment
Create a Child Sales Order for each Child Opportuntity.
On Sales Line, populate Project field and Project Task with Billing
Populate Opportunity Id to Sales Orders.
Parent Sales Order and Children Sales Orders must be linked to the Project.
All Children Sales Orders must be linked to the Parent Sales Order.
Populate Sales Order Id back to Opportunity
Copy code from Scott Demo Instance and clean up.
GF_OpportunityLWC class
CreateProjectSalesOrder routine