YAKTA wants to track all produced / shipped inventory and would like to track the register warranty for Shipped Serial No’s.
Serial No Generation ( Output)
When an Output Item is produced through Production Item Journal ( from work order) and posted, this will generate a new Serial Number with Status = YAKTA and populate following details
Field Name | Comments | |
Serial No. (Name field) must be unique | Text | |
Product (lookup) | Lookup | |
Item (lookup) | Lookup | |
Engine Serial No. | Text | |
Hydrogear Left Serial No. | Text | |
Hydrogear Right Serial No. | Text | |
No. of Ledger Entries | Serial No. cannot be deleted if No. of Ledger Entries > 0 | |
Status | If (Sold_Date__c != null, 'Sold', | |
Quantity | Rollup Summary | |
Dealer Account (lookup) | Lookup | |
End User Account (lookup) | Lookup | |
Sold to Opportunity (lookup) | Lookup | |
Sold to Opportunity Product (lookup) | Lookup | |
Manufacture Date | Posting production date | |
Sold Date | formula | Closed Date from Opportunity |
Warranty Expiration Date | formula | plus 5 years???? or 2000 hours??? |
Serial No. Ledger Entry
Field Name | Comments | |
Entry No. (auto number) | ||
Serial No. | Master Detailed | |
Document Type | Shipment | |
Posting Date | Reserve a SN against an opportunity | |
Lookup | Lookup | |
Item Ledger Entry (lookup) | Lookup | |
Description |
When Output Item Journal is unposted, a new Serial No Ledger entry will be created with Quantity = 0
Error Checking:-
Duplication will be checked before creating a new serial number record
Serial No Update( Shipment)
When Shipment is posted, a new Serial No ledger entry will be created with Quanity = -1 and status of serial no will change to Dealer Stock.
When Shipment is unposted, a new serial no Ledger entry will be created with Quantity = 0
When Shipment is returned, a new serial no Ledger entry will be created with Quantity = +1
The Quantity on Serial No header will be the total of all quantities on Serial No ledger entries.