Company Setup
Default Warehouse = Toronto CA
Default Currency = CAD
Default GL Ledger = Actual-CA
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Create Quote
Quote header and line filds
Sales Prices Setup
Sales Discount (Line Discount, and Invoice Discount)
Sales Tax - Canada
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Convert Quote & Project
GoldFinch Sales Order
Overview Sales Order header and line fields.
Product Linked to Kit Parents
Project, Project Tasks linked to the Project
GoldFinch Project
Overview Project fields
Project Tasks
Billing Task Budget Revenue
add a Prepayment Billing Tasks
Print Confirmation
Sales Order
Explode Kit Parents to get
Component Items & Labor
Allocations on Sales Order
Allocation Status
Partial allocation (green, yellow, red)
Review (DEMO Item) Wood PT:WPTV44PC
Purchasing Type
Allocated Qty
Supply Plan
Overview Item - (DEMO Item) Wood PT:WPTV44PC
Item Units of Measure
Overview of Inventory Status
Bin Content
Item list
Item Availability Status
Item Availability by Item
Inventory Management
Run Supply Plan to fulfill partially allocated SO
SKU Planning Parameters, Safety Stock, Reorder Qty, Reorder Cycle, Orderr Multiple = 1
Calculation Line
(DEMO Item) Wood PT:WPTV44PC
Calculation Line Analysis
Create Purchase Order
United Natural Inc. (CA)
Update GL Ledger to Actual-CA
Purchase Unit of Measure = Case
Print Purchase Order
Send Emails
Item Costs
From Sales Order - labor
Create Special Purchase Orders for the Labor
Item Purchase Order
Whse Receipt
Put-away in EA
Print Instructions
From Sales Order
Allocate = should be full now
Create Prepayment Invoices
Prepayment % on Sales Order
Populate Project task = Prepayment Task
Customer Receipt
Create a CR and apply to the prepayment invoice
Project Billing Task
From Sales Order
Create Shipment
Create Pick
Print Instructions
Print Packing List
Create BOL
Posting Shipment
Create Final Invoice
Lavor Purchase Order
Update GL Ledger
Create Purchase Invoice
Financial Management
Project List - Cost and Revenue
Project Ledger Entry
Project Revenue and Cost
Accounts Receivable
Account list
AR Aging as of
Accounts Payable
Purchase Invoices
Ready to Create Vendor Payments
Print Check
General Ledger Management
General Journal
Bank Rec
Financial Reporting