General Design
Always use Standard Price Book to manage the current active price
On the same Standard Price Book, we can store both CAD and USD prices.
To archive the Standard Price Book, you can go to the Classic interface (out of box Salesforce behavior) to clone both header and price entries. Then you can update the Standard Price Book with new prices.
For all existing opportunities, the Price Book would stay the same.
The existing product on the opportunity would keep the old price.
If you want to use the new price, you msut delete the product, then add it again.
If you want to add a product, that produc will use the new price.
By default, if the Opportuntity’s currenyc is CAD, you will only see CAD price entries. If the Opportuntity’s currenyc is USD, you will only see USD price entries.
Clone a Price Book
To clone a Price Book with Price Entries, you must go to the Salesforce Classic interface.
You can only clone Price Book header, without Price Entries, if you use Salesforce Lightning interface.
We can customize the Clone button clone both header and lines in Salesforce Lightning interface - Will take about 4 hours to do.
Step 1 - Go to the Classic intreface. Navigate to one of the existing Price Books. Click the Clone button.
Step 2 - Change the Price Book’s Name and Description to be something like “Archived as of 012924,” then click the Save button. Salesforce should copy all Price Entries to the new Price Book.
Add a New Price Entry
You must go tTo Add a new Price Entry for a different Currency, or to Edit existing Prices, you can click the Product Name, then on the Product page, click Add to Price Book, or the Edit All button.
Edit a Price Entry