GoldFinch to guide Fencescape Team how to create projects
Create Project & Orders
Create Project
Name Project
Create Sales Orders
Parent Sales Order
Question: Do you set the price to $0 at this point?
Customer #1 Sales Order
Proj Gorilla Green Teak:Installation Gorilla Fence Green Teak 6'11" New York
Customer #2 Sales Order
Proj Gorilla Green Teak:Installation Gorilla Fence Green Teak 6'11" New York
Proj Gorilla Green Teak:Installation Gorilla Fence Green Teak Gate
Parent Sales Order
Explode BOM
Update Labor Line = Special Order
Insert Requisition
Creates Purchase Order for Labor
Process Initial Customer Payments
Customer #1 Sales Invoice - Initial Payment
Customer #2 Sales Invoice - Initial Payment
Ship Parts & Supplies from Warehouse
Note: We will review warehouse inventory, etc in a future meeting
Create Shipment
Post Shipment
Print Packing Slip
Create Invoice