Here is a overview, plus some information on the quote builder we were discussing. Can you review and let me know when we can move ahead with a call?
Note from Sales Rep:
The attached calculator is correct and can be used. Besides adding additional lines for more financing programs, the only two columns that need to be edited are the retail financing participation costs and margin the dealers would like. The margins are true. For example, if the dealer wants to make an exact 18% margin on a 0% for 48 plan, they would just need to change the 20% margin to 18% and it will give them their exact cost, the retail price, margin and the customer’s monthly payment. Of course, this assumes the customer qualifies.
It would be great if the dealer could select up to three retail programs they choose from the finance companies we offer. Participation fee’s can change quarterly so it would be best if we can update the fee when it changes, and it will auto update our dealers quote builder. We also might need to add a disclaimer somewhere that financing fees could change at any time. Each company will provide us and the dealers a rate sheet with the expiration date on it.
Zoom Call with Sales Rep:
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