When opening the page, error checks;
Only one Transfer order per warehouse (with Document Status = Open or Whse. Shipment or Back Order, or display warning)
Columns on the left:
Inventory from Main Warehouse
Outstanding Qty. on PO.
Available = Qoh + PO Qty - Oustanding Qty. on TO
Columns on the right
All Warehouses, except Main, or In Transit
Column Header = Warehouse + No. of of open transfer orders.
Item No.
Item Category
Item Description
Enter or update quantities.
Available is calculated automatically.
Click on Item No. bring to Item page
Click on Warehouse, brint to site Account page that is linked to the Warehouse.
Update button
Error if there are more than 1 Transfer Order with Document Status = Open, or Shipment Created or Back Order. Do not update any numbers to transfer line.
Create a new Transfer Order if there is no transfer order and add a line
If an existing Transfer order found for the item,
if new qty < qty. on WSL, error.
if more, update
if new qty < allocated qty.
update qty. and update allocation