Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


We still want users to be able to enter Customer Receipts even if the Sales Invoice is not posted. Supervisors can post the invoice and create customer receipts later when the inventory is fixed.


Add a related list, POS Receipts, to the Sales Invoice page (with record type = POS).

  • Payment Method

  • Document No. (default to today’s date YYYYMMDD, users can overwrite it with the customer’s check number)Amount

  • Amount

This table can be used if the Sales Invoice cannot be posted.

If the Sales Invoice can be posted, users can just Create Customer Receipt without using this new table. If there are more than one Customer Receipt, uses can clone the first Csutomer Receipt to create a new one.

Future Enhancements:

Replace the current Post button with a new Post. button.

  • Only for record type = POS

  • If Document Status = Open, post the Sales Invoice.

  • Check the total Amount from the related list, POS Receipts.

    • If it is different from the Remaining Amount of the Sales Invoice, error.

  • Create Customer Receipts. One Customer Receipt per POS Receipt.

    • Payment Method picklist on Customer Receipts should have the same values listed above

  • Post Customer Receipts and apply them to the Sales Invoice.

To unpost to correct mistakes. Users must:

  • Unpost Customer Receipts one by one.

  • Delete Customer Receipts

  • Then correct Customer Payments on the Sales Invoice.

  • Or unpost Sales Invoice to correct it.