Versions Compared


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  1. Work Order Creation

    • One-to-One Relationship: Sales orders will maintain a one-to-one relationship with work orders. A parent sales order will correspond to a parent work order, and child sales orders will correspond to child work orders.

    • Consumption and Revenue Separation:

      • Parent sales orders: Used to relieve inventory and post costs to the project.

      • Child sales orders: Contain revenue but no cost.

    • Work orders for homes will be created at the project level (parent) and house level (child).

  2. Service Appointments

    • No service appointments will be created for child work orders by Goldfinch ERP. Instead, FSL will handle appointment creation as needed.

    • FSL will create default appointments (e.g., digging and installation) but allow dispatchers to schedule additional ones as required.

  3. Parent-Child Relationship

    • Identification: Parent-child relationships will be defined by a Parent Work Order field.

    • Opportunity Checkbox: The Is Parent checkbox on the opportunity will help determine parent and child sales orders.

  4. Material Consumption

    • Inventory Management: Inventory will only be managed in Goldfinch ERP. FSL will not consume inventory.

    • Additional Materials: If additional materials are needed, a new sales order will be created in Goldfinch ERP.

  5. Field Requirements for Work Orders

    • Goldfinch ERP will populate specific fields on work orders when created from sales orders. These fields include:

      • Feet of fence to install.

      • Number of posts to install.

    • Further refinement of required fields will be communicated by FSL.

  6. Service Report & eSign

    • Service Report as a Letter of Satisfaction: FSL service reports will serve as a letter of satisfaction, triggering invoicing when signed in the field.

    • Fallback Option: If not signed in the field, the service report will be emailed for an e-signature using the Goldfinch eSign portal.

      • The Goldfinch eSign portal is currently configured to handle Opportunity Quotes.

      • Additional development work is required to extend the eSign functionality to include Service Reports

    • Development of this functionality will commence after FSL finalizes the service report template.

      • The service report template defines the data FSL requires (e.g., number of posts, feet of fence) for reporting and e-signature purposes. Goldfinch needs to ensure these fields are correctly populated in the work orders it sends to FSL.

      • If the service report template requires a specific format or layout, the Goldfinch eSign integration might need to align with that to ensure it can send the correct document for signature.


Outstanding Questions & Next Steps:
