Meeting Date: January 14, 2025
Participants: Jodi Rudolph, Ethan Everly, Kevin Chen, Sarah Al-Obaidi, and Higor Sousa
Topic: Validating requirements for FSL record creation and integration with Goldfinch ERP
Key Decisions:
Work Order Creation
One-to-One Relationship: Sales orders will maintain a one-to-one relationship with work orders. A parent sales order will correspond to a parent work order, and child sales orders will correspond to child work orders.
Consumption and Revenue Separation:
Parent sales orders: Used to relieve inventory and post costs to the project.
Child sales orders: Contain revenue but no cost.
Work orders for homes will be created at the project level (parent) and house level (child).
Service Appointments
No service appointments will be created for child work orders by Goldfinch ERP. Instead, FSL will handle appointment creation as needed.
FSL will create default appointments (e.g., digging and installation) but allow dispatchers to schedule additional ones as required.
Parent-Child Relationship
Identification: Parent-child relationships will be defined by a
Parent Work Order
field.Opportunity Checkbox: The
Is Parent
checkbox on the opportunity will help determine parent and child sales orders.
Material Consumption
Inventory Management: Inventory will only be managed in Goldfinch ERP. FSL will not consume inventory.
Additional Materials: If additional materials are needed, a new sales order will be created in Goldfinch ERP.
Field Requirements for Work Orders
Goldfinch ERP will populate specific fields on work orders when created from sales orders. These fields include:
Feet of fence to install.
Number of posts to install.
Further refinement of required fields will be communicated by FSL.
Service Report & eSign
Service Report as a Letter of Satisfaction: FSL service reports will serve as a letter of satisfaction, triggering invoicing when signed in the field.
Fallback Option: If not signed in the field, the service report will be emailed for an e-signature using the Goldfinch eSign portal.
The Goldfinch eSign portal is currently configured to handle Opportunity Quotes.
Additional development work is required to extend the eSign functionality to include Service Reports
Development of this functionality will commence after FSL finalizes the service report template.
Outstanding Questions & Next Steps:
Parent-Child Automation
Ethan mentioned an automation in progress to set child opportunities to "Closed Won" when the parent opportunity is "Closed Won."
Next Step: Confirm the status of this automation with Ryan at LIDD.
Explode BOM Functionality
Exploding BOMs is being modified to align with FSL requirements.
Concern: How will this impact retail sales orders or other scenarios where sales orders are entered directly in Goldfinch ERP without opportunities?
Next Step: Confirm with Eric if retail scenarios require exploding BOMs.
Field Data Source
Quantities for "feet of fence" and "number of posts" may not be readily available from Goldfinch items.
Next Step: Discuss with Eric if fields can be added to the opportunity and carried through to sales orders and work orders.
Service Report Template
FSL needs to finalize the template for the service report, which will include metrics like posts and fence length.
Next Step: FSL to provide a finalized template for Goldfinch integration.
Validation for Child Opportunities
Ensure child opportunities not marked as "Closed Won" are excluded from work order and sales order creation in Goldfinch ERP.
Next Step: Validate this behavior after implementing automation.