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To enter agency Transfer Orders, you can:

  • Enter agency Transfer Orders manually one by one


  • Use the Agency Order Allocation to mass-create or update Transfer Orders



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  1. On the left side of the


  1. grid, you will see all


  • Click on Item No. to navigate to the Item page.

  • You can search by Item No, Item Category, Item Description, or Warehouse Name.

On the right side of the page, you will see all agency warehouses.

At the end of Warehouse Name, you will see No. of open Transfer Orders in ().


  1. Warehouses (except Main and In-Transit), the Shipment Date, and the Transfer Order Number hyperlink of the Transfer Orders currently in the system with the Document Status = Open, Shipment Created, or Back Order and filtred by the Occasion.

    • You can only have one


    • Transfer Order per


You can close open Transfer Orders by checking the Closed field on the Transfer Order.


Click on the Warehouse to navigate to the agency account set up in the Warehouse.


Review Agency preferences and order history.


Review existing open Transfer Orders.


Enter or update Quantities under each warehouse.

  • Available cannot be negative.

When updating fields, GoldFinch does several checks:


Available cannot negative


One warehouse can only have one open Transfer Order.


    • Warehouse, per Shipment Date with Document Status = Open, Shipment Created, or Back Order

  1. On the top of the grid, you will see items and UOMs, the description of the item, and the net Available to Allocate. The calculation of this value equals the Qty On Hand - Qty on PO - Qty on Transfer Orders. You can hover over the number to see this calculation text. You can also click on the number to see the actual Qty on Hand as well as the Qty on PO


3. In the Filter section, you can set filters on different aspects of the Items, the Warehouse Name, the Shipment Date range, Occasion, and County associated with the transfer order lines.

  • You can refresh the page to remove any filters you have set.

4. The grid field is where you can see and edit the quantity of the items on the different transfer orders.

  • When you edit the numbers in the grid field, the Available to Allocate number will recalculate.

  • If the total Available to Allocate is below 0, the Available to Allocate will show in Red

5. Buttons:

  • Save Changes: Use this button after you enter values in the grid field to save your changes.

    • You can refresh the page to remove any changes that have not yet been saved.

    • When saving changed, the net Available to Allocate cannot be negative

    • Any values that have been saved but not yet transferred to a transfer order will be Orange

  • Update Transfer Orders: Use this button to update the Transfer Orders with the values you have already Saved.

    • Transfer Orders that are updated must have the Document Status = Open

    • The new quantity cannot be less than the quantity that


If the new quantity is less than the allocated qty, GoldFinch will reduce the allocated qty.


GoldFinch updates allocation automatically when a Transfer is created or updated.


    • has already been picked on any transfer order

  • Add New Shipment: Use this button to add a new line in the grid for a warehouse, Occasion, and shipment date selected.


  • A new line will be created in the grid, allowing you to enter item quantities.

    • By default, Counties is not filtered to see all Transfer orders for the occasion.

    • Click Save Changes to save records to the staging table, which is the Agency Allocation Changes table.

    • Select the Update Transfer Orders button to create new Transfer Orders.