Table of Contents | ||
User Setup
Work Center
Field: This must
remain blank for users to see all routing steps.
Picking Ticket Function
Picking Ticket Function: Required for Work Orders.
Work Order Setup
Product Stage and
Fields: Must be updated manually.
Product Stage: Default to O.
Product Ingredient: Default to S.
System will populate Batch No. automatically upon Work Order creation.
Batch Number: Automatically generated in the system during Work Order creation.
Format: Three digits (e.g., 001, 002, etc.).
Resets: At the start of each year.
Assignment: Automatically assigned when a new Work Order is created.
It can be viewed and updated on the list view.
Picking and Scanning Process
Must create and register pick before scanning.
Pick Status
: Must be "Full" before scanning; otherwise, an error will occur.
First Step (Output Scanning):
Scan the Work Order # to display the current open Routing Steprouting step.
Click the
Output button, scan Container No. and Quantity, and then:
If there are no additional output containers, click Save.
To add another Output, click the Output button.
Must click New first to create a new container.
Do not update Scan Output Container then Save. It will overwrite the previous container information.
If you need to add more, click Save and New.
Note for Mobile Users: Previous values will remain visible. Make sure to click on each field to update the values for the new container before saving.
After you finish scanning all output container, click Save.
All input and output containers are stored in the
Register Work table
, with output containers also stored in the Output Container table.
Post to consumer inventory picked for the work order.
Error if Pick Status != Full
System will display the next Routing Step automatically.
Click Input to scan input containers.
Error if the Container # is not scanned before for this work order.
Ensure all scanned containers belong to the same work order
Total Output Qty for all containers cannot be more than input quantity of the routing step. Done
When scanning input container
When clicking output button, make sure all containers are scanned for input, except for the first routing step. Done
Multiple input containers may exist
Display an error if not all containers for the work order are scanned
Multiple input/output containers may exist
Can scan user information or manually enter user details
Raw materials are consumed automatically based on standard setup (no need to scan raw materials)
Lot Number will be assigned at the last step of the routing process
Can you display container # below Scan Input Container line? Done
Objective: Split the existing data entry page into two separate pages for more efficient input and output tracking.
Posting Inventory:
Click the Post button to consume inventory.
The next routing step is displayed automatically.
Input Scanning (except the First Step):
Click the Input button to scan the input containers from the previous routing step.
Must scan all containers used in the previous step.
System will display all scanned container numbers.
Output Scanning:
Click Output to start scanning output containers and enter quantity.
The total quantity of output containers must not exceed the total input quantity for that step.
For multiple output containers, click New before scanning additional containers.
Lot Number Assignment:
Lot Number is automatically assigned during output posting of the last step.
Design - Page 1: Input Data Collection
Line Clearance from QA
Verified by: User input or barcode scan
Process Start/End Time
Start and End timestamps for the process
Who Performed the Task
Logged by: User input or barcode scan
Secondary Signoff Verification
Verified by: User input or barcode scan for task completion
Work Center Cleaning Start/End Time
Track start and end times of cleaning
Who Performed Work Center Cleaning
Logged by: User input or barcode scan
Secondary Signoff for Cleaning
Verified by: User input or barcode scan for equipment cleaning
Scan Input Container
Design - Page 2: Output Data Collection
Scan Output Container
Enter Output Weight/Volume
Date/Time of Output Creation
Automatically captured by the system.
Who Performed the Task
Logged by: User input or barcode scan
Secondary Signoff Verification
Verified by: User input or barcode scan for output verification
Design - Creating a New Object: Container
Container Data Fields:
Container No.
Work Order
Routing Step
Operation No.
Output Item
Output Quantity
Unit of Measure
Work Order Lot Number
Batch Number Management
Batch Number Format:
3 digits (e.g., 001, 002, etc.)
Resets annually to start from 001
Batch Number Assignment:
Automatically assigned when creating a new Work Order
Lot Number Assignment:
Lot Number is assigned during output posting. Pre-configured fields may be used based on the Work Order.
Design - Key Questions:
Mixed Container Situations:
How should inventory be deducted on the Work Order?
Solution: Deduct inventory using picked quantity for the Work Order
Container Number and Allocation/Shipping:
How does the Container Number relate to allocation and shipping?
Solution: Use the Lot Number for shipping
Design - Additional Resources: