The PO Approval Process is a critical step in which the purchase order undergoes formal review and validation before it is sent to the vendor.
When a Purchase Order is ready to be reviewed, users may click on the Submit for Approval button to send it to the PO Approval Team.
Doing so will automatically change the Approval Status field from None to Pending. This means that the Purchase Order has been submitted for approval and is awaiting a response from the PO Approval Team.
Users can also add additional comments before clicking Submit.
The PO Approval Team will get an automated email that looks like this:
(insert image)The email contains a link to the related PO record and a link to a page where they can Approve or Reject the Purchase Order.
If the PO Approval Team chooses to:
Approve the PO:
The Approval Status field changes from Pending to Approved.
The Ready to Send Confirmation field updates to True.
Reject the PO:
The Approval Status field changes from Pending to Rejected.
Once the Ready to Send Confirmation field is updated to True, users may click on the Send Documents button to send the Purchase Order to the vendor.
If the Ready to Send Confirmation field is still False, users will get an error if they try to click the Send Documents button.
If the user wishes to recall their Approval Request, they can go to the Approval History related list and Recall their request.
Doing so will change the Approval Status from Pending to None.
After the user clicks on Send Documents and sends out the Purchase Order to the vendor, the Order Confirmation Sent field will update to True.