The following table lists all custom components ( Fields, Classes, Triggers, Buttons, Visual force pages, LWC’s) created for Quote Builder Setup.
Field Name | API | Type |
Assigned Dealer | Opportunity.Assigned_Dealer__c | Lookup(Account) |
Assigned Salesperson | Opportunity.Assigned_Salesperson__c | Lookup(Contact) |
Button / Action | API | |
End User Quote | Opportunity.End_User_Quote | Action Button |
Field Name | API | Type |
Dealer Account | Dealer_Account__c | Lookup(Account) |
Amount ($) | Amount__c | Formula (Number) |
Finance Company | Finance_Company__c | Lookup(Dealer Finance Company) |
Finance Program | Finance_Program__c | Lookup(Finance Program) |
Finance Program Details | Finance_Program_Details__c | Long Text Area(32768) |
FirstName | FirstName__c | Text(255) |
LastName | LastName__c | Text(255) |
Prepared by | Prepared_by__c | Formula (Text) |
Salesperson | Salesperson__c | Lookup(Contact) |
Serial_No | Serial_No__c | Lookup(Serial No.) |
Quote Line Item
Field Name | API | Type |
Cash | Cash__c | Currency(16, 2) |
Dealer Cost | Dealer_Cost__c | Currency(16, 2) |
Dealer Margin | Dealer_Margin__c | Percent(16, 2) |
Estimate Dealer Cost | Estimate_Dealer_Cost__c | Currency(16, 2) |
MSRP | MSRP__c | Currency(16, 2) |
Promo | Promo__c | Currency(16, 2) |
Dealer Finance Company
Object API: Dealer_Finance_Company__c
Field Name | API | Type |
Dealer Account | Dealer_Account__c | Lookup(Account) |
Finance Company Account | Finance_Company_Account__c | Lookup(Account) |
Currency | CurrencyIsoCode | Picklist |
Page Layout | API | Type |
Dealer Finance Company Layout | Dealer_Finance_Company__c-Dealer Finance Company Layout | Page Layout |
Finance Program
Object API: Finance_Program__c
Field Name | API | Type |
Cash | Cash__c | Currency(16, 2) |
Created By | CreatedById | Lookup(User) |
Currency | CurrencyIsoCode | Picklist |
Dealer | Dealer__c | Currency(16, 2) |
Dealer’s Margin | Dealer_s_Margin__c | Percent(16, 2) |
Estimated Dealer Margin | Estimated_Dealer_Margin__c | Formula (Currency) |
Estimated Dealer’s Cost | Estimated_Dealer_s_Cost__c | Formula (Currency) |
Finance Account | Finance_Account__c | Lookup(Account) |
Finance Program Name | Name | Text(80) |
Interest Rate | Interest_Rate__c | Percent(16, 2) |
Margin + Finance Rate | Margin_Finance_Rate__c | Formula (Percent) |
Monthly Payment | Monthly_Payment__c | Formula (Currency) |
Months | Months__c | Number(18, 0) |
MSRP | MSRP__c | Currency(16, 2) |
Owner | OwnerId | Lookup(User,Group) |
Participation Cost | Participation_Cost__c | Formula (Currency) |
Participation Fee | Participation_Fee__c | Percent(16, 2) |
Promo | Promo__c | Currency(16, 2) |
Savings from MSRP | Savings_from_MSRP__c | Formula (Currency) |
Selling Price | Selling_Price__c | Formula (Currency) |
Serial Numbers
Object API: SerialNumber__c
Field Name | API | Type |
Assigned to Opportunity | AssignedToOpportunity__c | Lookup(Opportunity) |
Company | Company__c | Formula (Text) |
Created By | CreatedById | Lookup(User) |
Currency | CurrencyIsoCode | Picklist |
Dealer Account | DealerAccount__c | Lookup(Account) |
Deck | Deck__c | Formula (Text) |
End User Account | EndUserAccount__c | Lookup(Account) |
Engine | Engine__c | Formula (Text) |
Engine Serial No. | EngineSerialNo__c | Text(255) |
Front Frame | Front_Frame__c | Formula (Text) |
Front Tires | Front_Tires__c | Formula (Text) |
Hydrogear Left Serial No. | HydrogearLeftSerialNo__c | Text(255) |
Hydrogear Right Serial No. | HydrogearRightSerialNo__c | Text(255) |
Item | Item__c | Lookup(Item) |
Item Name | Item_Name__c | Formula (Text) |
Last Modified By | LastModifiedById | Lookup(User) |
Manufacture Date | ManufactureDate__c | Date |
Model Number-Rear Frame | Model_Number_Rear_Frame__c | Formula (Text) |
Owner | OwnerId | Lookup(User,Group) |
Product | Product__c | Lookup(Product) |
Seat | Seat__c | Formula (Text) |
Serial No. | Name | Text(80) |
Sold Date | SoldDate__c | Formula (Date) |
Tire | Tire__c | Formula (Text) |
Warranty Expiration Date | WarrantyExpirationDate__c | Formula (Date) |
Serial Number Ledger Entry
Object API: SerialNumberLedgerEntry__c
Field Name | API | Type |
Assigned Dealer | Assigned_Dealer__c | Lookup(Account) |
Currency | CurrencyIsoCode | Picklist |
Description | Description__c | Long Text Area(2000) |
Document Type | DocumentType__c | Picklist |
Entry No. | Name | Auto Number |
Item Ledger Entry | ItemLedgerEntry__c | Lookup(Item Ledger Entry) |
Opportunity Product | Opportunity_Product__c | Lookup(Opportunity Product) |
Owner | OwnerId | Lookup(User,Group) |
Posting Date | PostingDate__c | Date/Time |
Serial Number | SerialNumber__c | Lookup(Serial Number) |
Visual Force Pages
Name | API | Type |
GF_assignserialnumber2 | GF_assignserialnumber2 | VF Page |
GF_EndUserQuotePDF | GF_EndUserQuotePDF | VF Page |
GF_cloneQuoteVFPage | GF_cloneQuoteVFPage | VF Page |
Lightning Web Components
Name | API | Type |
GF_editStandardQuoteLWC2 | GF_editStandardQuoteLWC2 | LWC |
GF_OpportunityProductsLWC | GF_OpportunityProductsLWC | LWC |
GF_assignserialnumberlwc2 | GF_assignserialnumberlwc2 | LWC |
Aura Component Bundle
Name | API | Type |
AssignSerialNumber2 | AssignSerialNumber2 | Aura Component |
Apex Triggers
Name | API | Type |
GF_OpportunityTrigger | GF_OpportunityTrigger | Apex Trigger |
Apex Classes
Name | API | Type |
GF_EndUserQuotePDFController | GF_EndUserQuotePDFController | Apex Class |
GF_OpportunityProductsLWCController | GF_OpportunityProductsLWCController | Apex Class |
GF_CloneQuoteController | GF_CloneQuoteController | Apex Class |
GF_AssignSerialNumberLWCController2 | GF_AssignSerialNumberLWCController2 | Apex Class |
GF_OpportunityProductsLWCController | GF_OpportunityProductsLWCController | Apex Class |