Configure Field Tracking to Track Field Changes-Help

Configure Field Tracking to Track Field Changes-Help


In Salesforce, it often happens that when field values get changed, you’re left wondering what the previous value was, when someone updated it, or who specifically changed it. With Field History Tracking, the field history data is retained, giving you a logged list of this important data.

Field Limit Per Object

Salesforce allows you to track up to 20 fields per object (both standard or custom objects). By enabling Field History Tracking, you will see who made the change, the date it was updated, and the previous value of the field.

How to Setup Field Tracking

To enable Field History Tracking

  • Click the gear icon and Choose Setup

  • Under Objects and Fields, choose the Object Manager


  • Select Item / SKU Object or any Object for which you want to enable field tracking

  • Select Fields & Relationships

  • Click the Set History Tracking button

Choose what fields you want to track

  • Be sure to click save.

  • Add Object’s History tracking related list on Page layout and Save.